Creating a movement from scratch

In Choregraphe, it is very easy to create simple movements in no time.

  1. Drag and drop the Animation box onto your diagram.
  2. Double-click on the box to enter it.

    > An empty timeline is displayed.

  3. Select a frame by clicking in the motion section at an index different from 1.

    Having a keyframe at index 1 is not advised: it would mean that the robot, from an unknown position when entering the box, should go to this position in no time and the keyframe would probably be ignored.

  4. While the current frame cursor is on the right index, click on one of the robot limbs.

    > The motion window is displayed.


    Whenever there is a current frame cursor (the blue line), the motion editing is on.

  5. In the Motion window, you can add some joint values of the selected limb in the current keyframe.

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