注意: |
若非必要,请勿修改首选项文件。 不正确的配置参数可能会损坏机器人。通过这个方法, 您可以添加自己的配置参数,但是,如未被要求,请不要改变已设定的参数。 |
注释: |
进行校准和保存首选项之间应有一定的时间间隔。 |
注释: |
在胸部电路板进行保存会导致USB信息交流中断几秒钟。如果机器人处于站立姿势,那么它肯定会摔倒! |
/** * Save or load the pref file or a sub pref file, or change one parameter on the pref file * * @param pAction is a string that could be : "Save" "Load" or "Add" * Save is to save the new configuration value either in a file (Head) or in the chest board (chest) * Load is to read the configuration file again (Device_Head.xml or Device_Chest.xml) * Add is to add/chage a new key/value in the pref file. It's only in the DCM memory, and a save is needed after. * @param pWhere is the name of the pref/subpref files used. It could be "Body", "Head", "Main", "All" * @param pKeyName is case of a add, this is the key name to add in the specific pref file. "" if this is not add. * @param pKeyValue this is the value to save for the key name. * */ int DCM::preference(string pAction, string pWhere, string pKeyName, ALValue pKeyValue)
import time import naoqi from naoqi import ALProxy dcm = ALProxy("DCM","",9559) # Manual calibration on the mechanical stop dcm.calibration(["RHipRoll/Position/Actuator/Value","Manual","InLimit" ]) time.sleep(1) dcm.preferences("Save", "Body", "", 0.0) # to save new calibration
注意: |
这是一个非常危险的脚本!不正确的校准会损坏机器人的关节。 |
import time import naoqi from naoqi import ALProxy dcm = ALProxy("DCM","",9559) dcm.preferences("Load", "Body", "", 0.0) # to load a new Device_Chest.xml file time.sleep(1) dcm.preferences("Save", "Body", "", 0.0) # to save new calibration
注意: |
这是一个非常危险的脚本!不正确的校准会损坏机器人的关节。 |