File architecture

Libraries are static on Windows and dynamic on Linux and MacOS.


Tinyxml manages preferences xml files.

Click here for further information about tinyxml.


Basic functions: types, smart pointer and errors...:

alerror.h include alerror.h to raise an ALError
alnetworkerror.h include alnetworkerror.h to raise a network error
alptr.h include alptr.h to use boost smart pointer encapsulation
alsignal.hpp include alsignal.hpp to use boost signal encapsulation
altypes.h include altypes.h to use NAOqi types


Manage files and time.

alfilesystem.h include alfilesystem.h to use boost filessystem encapsulation
tools.h conversion function


  • factory design pattern
  • alfactory.h: instantiate class from her name.


gsoap 2.7.12


Device communication manager real-time tools.


pthread encapsulation

alcriticaltrueiflocked.h Critical section pthread encapsulation. NAOqi is thread safe. Client applications have to manage multithreading if needed. Create a critical section but other threads will not be blocked by mutex.
alcriticalsection.h Critical section pthread encapsulation. Create a critical section (only one process can go in).
alcriticalsectionread.h read/write mutex
almutex.h Mutex. Pthread encapsulation
altask.h Methods of task are launched by threadpool. Everybody can create a new task from altask and enqueue it in the threadpool.
alcriticalsectionwrite.h read/write critical section
alcriticalsectionread.h read/write critical section
almonitor.h adjust threadpool size


Module, proxy, broker...

albroker.h All executables create at least one broker in main.cpp. A broker will wait for http request, remote C++ request from PC application...
alfunctor.h Pointer management
almodule.h ALModule (a module contains functions)
alproxy.h Create a proxy on a module and allow to call any bound method of the module. The proxy will choose for you to make a fast local call if the method is in the same executable or a slower remote call if the called method is in another executable.
alsharedlibrary.h Manage dynamically loaded library
alsingleton.h Singleton design pattern
altaskmonitor.h Task monitor to know if a task is running, stop a task, wait for a task to finish...
althreadpool.h threadpool manages a list of threads


autoload.ini management


NAOqi variant.

alvalue.h alvalue definition. ALValue is a union of common type.


Python wrapper


Audio extractor definition


Image and video definition.

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