
Broker A broker is an executable that listens to commands on an IP address and port. NAOqi($AL_DIR/bin) is named "main broker". Audioout (textToSpeech) is another broker connected to NAOqi.
Module = class that specializes ALModule A module is a class that contains robotic functions (motion, textToSpeech, leds...). We often say that a module is also a library loaded from $AL_DIR/modules/lib/autoload.ini. When loading a NAOqi library, the module object is systematically instantiated. A module is always linked to a broker.
Proxy A proxy is an access to a module. To call a method from a module, we create a proxy to the module.
Cmake Cmake creates a project for desired OS (OSX, Linux, Win32) and IDE (Visual Studio, Eclipse, ...). NAOqi requires at least cmake 2.6.
Remote A remote function is launched from another executable.
Cross compile Compile for robot/geode.
Choregraphe Aldebaran tool to create High level behavior.
Telepathe Aldebaran tool to visualize NAO camera, NAO memory, ...
Critical section Code that cannot be executed by two threads.
Extractor An extractor uses values from sensors to create usable data in NAO memory.
ALMemory NAO memory that can be accessed by all modules, remote modules, remote tools, other NAO...
LPC Local Procedure Call
IPC Inter-Process Communication
IPPC Inter-Process Procedure Call
RPC Remote Procedure Call
Smart pointer Pointer that does not need deallocation nor deletion. The pointer has a use count and is automatically freed when nobody uses it.
Mutex A mutex allows to manage critical section.

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