Cross language

Robot software can be developed in C++, Python and Urbi. In all cases, programming methods are exactly the same. Moreover, if you create a new C++ module with the module generator (have a look at the SDK section for more details), all API functions can be called in Python. Python module API functions can also be called from C++ (although this seems strange).

Aldebaran Robotics made the choice to develop real-time module in C++ and behavior module in Python with Choregraphe.

Urbi is natively integrated in NAO. If you wish to use Urbi:

  • Install urbi remote or urbi lab on your computer. You can download it from or
  • Launch NAOqi on your robot or on your computer.
  • Uncomment the "#urbi" line in "<AL_DIR>/modules/lib/autoload.ini".
  • Restart NAOqi to launch the ALUrbi module.

For further information about the Urbi language, please refer to Programming in Urbi.

Cross language

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