Type of subdevice
Here is the list of possible subdevices:
- Actuators
> Joint: a Joint is the actuator that allows you to control the angle of one robot joint.
> JointHardness: a jointHardness is an actuator that controls the percentage of the total power sent to the motor to control the joint. It's 0% at the beginning and 100% at normal use (the value is from 0.0 to 1.0). Use this to have smooth increase/decrease of joint control. Hardness is defined as stiffness in motion.
> Led: a basic LED (one color) where you can control the value from 0 to 100% (0.0 to 1.0).
> Power: not implemented
> Charge: not implemented
> UsSend: an actuator that allows you to send an ultrasonic wave, waiting for the sensor result.
- Sensors
> JointPosition: the sensor value for the angle position of one robot joint.
> Current: the electric current for one motor of a specific joint.
> FSR: the weight on the FSR sensor (or on all the foot)
> CenterOfPressure: The position of the force applied on one foot.
> Touch: state of capacitive proximity switch (press = 1.0 or release = 0.0)
> ChestState: not implemented
> USReceived: the ultrasonic distance sensor result. Received after a wave is sent with the UsSend actuator.
> Accelerometer: the result of one accelerometer axis (acceleration).
> Gyrometer: the result of one gyrometer axis (rotation speed).
> Angle: an angle of the robot, returned by the inertial board.
> Temperature: temperature result for each motor (simulation) or the battery (sensor).
> Switch: switch state (press = 0.0 or release = 1.0) for chest button or foot bumpers.
> Battery: the battery state sensor (mainly charge).