Type of device
Here is the list of possible devices:
- MotherBoard
The main CPU board in the head with the Geode processor.
- ChestBoard
The chest board with the ARM processor.
- MotorBoard
All motor board in the robot that control joints, except for foot and hand. They are specific.
- MotorBoardHand
Motor board for the hands. Right now strictly equivalent to MotorBoard.
- MotorBoardFoot
Motor board for the foots. Since the first released version of NAO, these boards do not manage motors anymore.
- TouchBoard
The board with capacitive sensors at the top of the head.
- FaceBoard
The board around the eyes of the robot, with LEDs and IR.
- USBoard
The board with the ultrasonic sensors.
- InertialSensor
The board with the accelerometer / gyrometer sensors.
- EarLeds
The board that controls LEDs in both ears.
- Battery
The board inside the battery.
This is only useful if you want to understand the preference (configuration) file.