List of subDevices
Here is the list of all the subDevices of the robot.
The number is the subDevice Number. This is not useful, unless you want to understand the preference (configuration) file.
In ALMemory, the name of these subDevices are prefixed by "Device/SubDeviceList/".
Note: |
This is only the subDevice list. For all keys and meaning of values, see next chapters. |
1. subDevices linked to the touchBoard device (only on Academics Edition)
There are 3 tactile sensors on the head, each return 0 or 1 if a finger is coming near. It may react differently if the battery is connected to its charger. There are also 12 blue LEDs.
Name | Type | Number |
Head/Touch/Front/Sensor | Touch | 1 |
Head/Touch/Rear/Sensor | Touch | 2 |
Head/Touch/Middle/Sensor | Touch | 3 |
Head/Led/Rear/Left/0/Actuator | Led | 4 |
Head/Led/Rear/Left/1/Actuator | Led | 5 |
Head/Led/Rear/Left/2/Actuator | Led | 6 |
Head/Led/Rear/Right/2/Actuator | Led | 7 |
Head/Led/Rear/Right/1/Actuator | Led | 8 |
Head/Led/Rear/Right/0/Actuator | Led | 9 |
Head/Led/Middle/Right/0/Actuator | Led | 10 |
Head/Led/Front/Right/0/Actuator | Led | 11 |
Head/Led/Front/Right/1/Actuator | Led | 12 |
Head/Led/Front/Left/1/Actuator | Led | 13 |
Head/Led/Front/Left/0/Actuator | Led | 14 |
Head/Led/Middle/Left/0/Actuator | Led | 15 |
2. subDevices linked to the device EarLeds
There are 10 blue LEDs on each ear of the robot. Their name has left/right info and an angle 0° is toward up. <180° are toward the front of the robot (angles are approximate)
Name | Type | Number |
Ears/Led/Right/0Deg/Actuator | Led | 15 |
Ears/Led/Right/36Deg/Actuator | Led | 14 |
Ears/Led/Right/72Deg/Actuator | Led | 13 |
Ears/Led/Right/108Deg/Actuator | Led | 12 |
Ears/Led/Right/144Deg/Actuator | Led | 11 |
Ears/Led/Right/180Deg/Actuator | Led | 20 |
Ears/Led/Right/216Deg/Actuator | Led | 19 |
Ears/Led/Right/252Deg/Actuator | Led | 18 |
Ears/Led/Right/288Deg/Actuator | Led | 17 |
Ears/Led/Right/324Deg/Actuator | Led | 16 |
3. subDevices linked to the device EarLeds
There are 10 blue LEDs on each ear of the robot. Their name has left/right info and an angle 0° is toward up. <180° are toward the front of the robot (angles are approximate)
Name | Type | Number |
Ears/Led/Left/0Deg/Actuator | Led | 5 |
Ears/Led/Left/36Deg/Actuator | Led | 6 |
Ears/Led/Left/72Deg/Actuator | Led | 7 |
Ears/Led/Left/108Deg/Actuator | Led | 8 |
Ears/Led/Left/144Deg/Actuator | Led | 9 |
Ears/Led/Left/180Deg/Actuator | Led | 10 |
Ears/Led/Left/216Deg/Actuator | Led | 1 |
Ears/Led/Left/252Deg/Actuator | Led | 2 |
Ears/Led/Left/288Deg/Actuator | Led | 3 |
Ears/Led/Left/324Deg/Actuator | Led | 4 |
4. subDevices linked to the device FaceBoard
There are 8 red, 8 green, and 8 blue LEDs on each eyes.
Their name has left/right info and an angle. 0 is toward up. <180° are toward the right side of the robot
Name | Type | Number |
Face/Led/Red/Right/0Deg/Actuator | Led | 15 |
Face/Led/Red/Right/45Deg/Actuator | Led | 16 |
Face/Led/Red/Right/90Deg/Actuator | Led | 9 |
Face/Led/Red/Right/135Deg/Actuator | Led | 10 |
Face/Led/Red/Right/180Deg/Actuator | Led | 11 |
Face/Led/Red/Right/225Deg/Actuator | Led | 12 |
Face/Led/Red/Right/270Deg/Actuator | Led | 13 |
Face/Led/Red/Right/315Deg/Actuator | Led | 14 |
Name | Type | Number |
Face/Led/Green/Right/0Deg/Actuator | Led | 31 |
Face/Led/Green/Right/45Deg/Actuator | Led | 32 |
Face/Led/Green/Right/90Deg/Actuator | Led | 25 |
Face/Led/Green/Right/135Deg/Actuator | Led | 26 |
Face/Led/Green/Right/180Deg/Actuator | Led | 27 |
Face/Led/Green/Right/225Deg/Actuator | Led | 28 |
Face/Led/Green/Right/270Deg/Actuator | Led | 29 |
Face/Led/Green/Right/315Deg/Actuator | Led | 30 |
Name | Type | Number |
Face/Led/Blue/Right/0Deg/Actuator | Led | 47 |
Face/Led/Blue/Right/45Deg/Actuator | Led | 48 |
Face/Led/Blue/Right/90Deg/Actuator | Led | 41 |
Face/Led/Blue/Right/135Deg/Actuator | Led | 42 |
Face/Led/Blue/Right/180Deg/Actuator | Led | 43 |
Face/Led/Blue/Right/225Deg/Actuator | Led | 44 |
Face/Led/Blue/Right/270Deg/Actuator | Led | 45 |
Face/Led/Blue/Right/315Deg/Actuator | Led | 46 |
5. subDevices linked to the device FaceBoard
There are 8 red, 8 green, and 8 blue LEDs on each eye.
Their name has left/right info and an angle. 0 is toward up. <180° are toward the right side of the robot.
Name | Type | Number |
Face/Led/Red/Left/0Deg/Actuator | Led | 3 |
Face/Led/Red/Left/45Deg/Actuator | Led | 4 |
Face/Led/Red/Left/90Deg/Actuator | Led | 5 |
Face/Led/Red/Left/135Deg/Actuator | Led | 6 |
Face/Led/Red/Left/180Deg/Actuator | Led | 7 |
Face/Led/Red/Left/225Deg/Actuator | Led | 8 |
Face/Led/Red/Left/270Deg/Actuator | Led | 1 |
Face/Led/Red/Left/315Deg/Actuator | Led | 2 |
Name | Type | Number |
Face/Led/Green/Left/0Deg/Actuator | Led | 19 |
Face/Led/Green/Left/45Deg/Actuator | Led | 20 |
Face/Led/Green/Left/90Deg/Actuator | Led | 21 |
Face/Led/Green/Left/135Deg/Actuator | Led | 22 |
Face/Led/Green/Left/180Deg/Actuator | Led | 23 |
Face/Led/Green/Left/225Deg/Actuator | Led | 24 |
Face/Led/Green/Left/270Deg/Actuator | Led | 17 |
Face/Led/Green/Left/315Deg/Actuator | Led | 18 |
Name | Type | Number |
Face/Led/Blue/Left/0Deg/Actuator | Led | 35 |
Face/Led/Blue/Left/45Deg/Actuator | Led | 36 |
Face/Led/Blue/Left/90Deg/Actuator | Led | 37 |
Face/Led/Blue/Left/135Deg/Actuator | Led | 38 |
Face/Led/Blue/Left/180Deg/Actuator | Led | 39 |
Face/Led/Blue/Left/225Deg/Actuator | Led | 40 |
Face/Led/Blue/Left/270Deg/Actuator | Led | 33 |
Face/Led/Blue/Left/315Deg/Actuator | Led | 34 |
6. subDevices linked to the device HeadBoard
There are here two joints, with all their actuators/sensors:
Joint HeadPitch:
Name | Type | Number |
HeadPitch/Position/Actuator | Joint | 1 |
HeadPitch/Hardness/Actuator | JointHardness | 1 |
HeadPitch/Position/Sensor | jointPosition | 1 |
HeadPitch/ElectricCurrent/Sensor | Current | 1 |
HeadPitch/Temperature/Sensor | Temperature | 1 |
Joint HeadYaw:
Name | Type | Number |
HeadYaw/Position/Actuator | Joint | 2 |
HeadYaw/Hardness/Actuator | JointHardness | 2 |
HeadYaw/Position/Sensor | jointPosition | 2 |
HeadYaw/ElectricCurrent/Sensor | Current | 2 |
HeadYaw/Temperature/Sensor | Temperature | 2 |
7. subDevices linked to the device ChestBoard, and the Battery
The ChestBoard has many subDevices: 3 LEDs, battery, button.
There are here two joints, with all their actuators/sensors.
Name | Type | Number |
ChestBoard/Led/Red/Actuator | Led | 1 |
ChestBoard/Led/Green/Actuator | Led | 2 |
ChestBoard/Led/Blue/Actuator | Led | 3 |
Name | Type | Number |
ChestBoard/Power/Actuator | Led | 1 |
ChestBoard/ChestState/Actuator | Led | 1 |
Note: |
This is not implemented yet. |
Name | Type | Number |
ChestBoard/Button/Sensor | Switch | 1 |
The Battery Device has 3 subDevices:
Name | Type | Number |
Battery/Charge/Sensor | Battery | 1 |
Battery/ElectricCurrent/Sensor | Current | 1 |
Battery/Temperature/Sensor | Temperature | 1 |
Note: |
The Temperature subdevice is not implemented yet, except in the new Sanyo battery. |
8. subDevices linked to the USBoard device
There is an actuator to send an ultrasonic wave, and a sensor for the result.
Name | Type | Number |
US/Actuator | UsSend | 1 |
US/Sensor | USReceived | 1 |
US/Left/Sensor | USReceived | 1 |
US/Right/Sensor | USReceived | 1 |
SubDevices linked to the InertialSensor device:
The inertial sensor board has a 3 axes accelerometer and a 2 axis Gyrometer. It also returns a computed angle, computed with an internal algorithm.
Name | Type | Number |
InertialSensor/AccX/Sensor | Accelerometer | 1 |
InertialSensor/AccY/Sensor | Accelerometer | 2 |
InertialSensor/AccZ/Sensor | Accelerometer | 3 |
InertialSensor/GyrX/Sensor | Gyrometer | 1 |
InertialSensor/GyrY/Sensor | Gyrometer | 2 |
InertialSensor/GyrRef/Sensor | Gyrometer | 3 |
InertialSensor/AngleX/Sensor | Angle | 1 |
InertialSensor/AngleY/Sensor | Angle | 2 |
Note: |
These 2 last subDevices are now implemented. |
9. SubDevices linked to the LeftShoulderBoard device
There are here two joints, with all their actuators/sensors.
LShoulderPitch joint:
Name | Type | Number |
LShoulderPitch/Position/Actuator | Joint | 1 |
LShoulderPitch/Hardness/Actuator | JointHardness | 1 |
LShoulderPitch/Position/Sensor | jointPosition | 1 |
LShoulderPitch/ElectricCurrent/Sensor | Current | 1 |
LShoulderPitch/Temperature/Sensor | Temperature | 1 |
LShoulderRoll joint:
Name | Type | Number |
LShoulderRoll/Position/Actuator | Joint | 2 |
LShoulderRoll/Hardness/Actuator | JointHardness | 2 |
LShoulderRoll/Position/Sensor | jointPosition | 2 |
LShoulderRoll/ElectricCurrent/Sensor | Current | 2 |
LShoulderRoll/Temperature/Sensor | Temperature | 2 |
10. SubDevices linked to the RightShoulderBoard device
There are here two joints, with all their actuators/sensors.
RShoulderPitch joint:
Name | Type | Number |
RShoulderPitch/Position/Actuator | Joint | 1 |
RShoulderPitch/Hardness/Actuator | JointHardness | 1 |
RShoulderPitch/Position/Sensor | jointPosition | 1 |
RShoulderPitch/ElectricCurrent/Sensor | Current | 1 |
RShoulderPitch/Temperature/Sensor | Temperature | 1 |
RShoulderRoll joint:
Name | Type | Number |
RShoulderRoll/Position/Actuator | Joint | 2 |
RShoulderRoll/Hardness/Actuator | JointHardness | 2 |
RShoulderRoll/Position/Sensor | jointPosition | 2 |
RShoulderRoll/ElectricCurrent/Sensor | Current | 2 |
RShoulderRoll/Temperature/Sensor | Temperature | 2 |
11. subDevices linked to the LeftArmBoard device
There are here two joints, with all their actuators/sensors.
LElbowRoll joint:
Name | Type | Number |
LElbowRoll/Position/Actuator | Joint | 1 |
LElbowRoll/Hardness/Actuator | JointHardness | 1 |
LElbowRoll/Position/Sensor | jointPosition | 1 |
LElbowRoll/ElectricCurrent/Sensor | Current | 1 |
LElbowRoll/Temperature/Sensor | Temperature | 1 |
LElbowYaw joint:
Name | Type | Number |
LElbowYaw/Position/Actuator | Joint | 2 |
LElbowYaw/Hardness/Actuator | JointHardness | 2 |
LElbowYaw/Position/Sensor | jointPosition | 2 |
LElbowYaw/ElectricCurrent/Sensor | Current | 2 |
LElbowYaw/Temperature/Sensor | Temperature | 2 |
12. SubDevices linked to the RightArmBoard device
There are here two joints, with all their actuators/sensors.
RElbowRoll joint:
Name | Type | Number |
RElbowRoll/Position/Actuator | Joint | 1 |
RElbowRoll/Hardness/Actuator | JointHardness | 1 |
RElbowRoll/Position/Sensor | jointPosition | 1 |
RElbowRoll/ElectricCurrent/Sensor | Current | 1 |
RElbowRoll/Temperature/Sensor | Temperature | 1 |
RElbowYaw joint:
Name | Type | Number |
RElbowYaw/Position/Actuator | Joint | 2 |
RElbowYaw/Hardness/Actuator | JointHardness | 2 |
RElbowYaw/Position/Sensor | jointPosition | 2 |
RElbowYaw/ElectricCurrent/Sensor | Current | 2 |
RElbowYaw/Temperature/Sensor | Temperature | 2 |
13. SubDevices linked to the LeftHandBoard device
There are here two joints, with all their actuators/sensors.
LWristYaw joint:
Name | Type | Number |
LWristYaw/Position/Actuator | Joint | 1 |
LWristYaw/Hardness/Actuator | JointHardness | 1 |
LWristYaw/Position/Sensor | jointPosition | 1 |
LWristYaw/ElectricCurrent/Sensor | Current | 1 |
LWristYaw/Temperature/Sensor | Temperature | 1 |
LHand joint:
Name | Type | Number |
LHand/Position/Actuator | Joint | 2 |
LHand/Hardness/Actuator | JointHardness | 2 |
LHand/Position/Sensor | jointPosition | 2 |
LHand/ElectricCurrent/Sensor | Current | 2 |
LHand/Temperature/Sensor | Temperature | 2 |
Capacitive sensors :
Name | Type | Number |
LHand/Touch/Back/Sensor | TouchHand | 3 |
LHand/Touch/Left/Sensor/ | TouchHand | 4 |
LHand/Touch/Right/Sensor/ | TouchHand | 5 |
14. SubDevices linked to the RightHandBoard device
There are here two joints, with all their actuators/sensors.
RWristYaw joint:
Name | Type | Number |
RWristYaw/Position/Actuator | Joint | 1 |
RWristYaw/Hardness/Actuator | JointHardness | 1 |
RWristYaw/Position/Sensor | jointPosition | 1 |
RWristYaw/ElectricCurrent/Sensor | Current | 1 |
RWristYaw/Temperature/Sensor | Temperature | 1 |
RHand joint:
Name | Type | Number |
RHand/Position/Actuator | Joint | 2 |
RHand/Hardness/Actuator | JointHardness | 2 |
RHand/Position/Sensor | jointPosition | 2 |
RHand/ElectricCurrent/Sensor | Current | 2 |
RHand/Temperature/Sensor | Temperature | 2 |
Capacitive sensors:
Name | Type | Number |
RHand/Touch/Back/Sensor | TouchHand | 3 |
RHand/Touch/Left/Sensor/ | TouchHand | 4 |
RHand/Touch/Right/Sensor/ | TouchHand | 5 |
15. SubDevices linked to the LeftHipBoard device
There is here one joint, and its actuators/sensors.
LHipYawPitch joint:
Name | Type | Number |
LHipYawPitch/Position/Actuator | Joint | 2 |
LHipYawPitch/Hardness/Actuator | JointHardness | 2 |
LHipYawPitch/Position/Sensor | jointPosition | 2 |
LHipYawPitch/ElectricCurrent/Sensor | Current | 2 |
LHipYawPitch/Temperature/Sensor | Temperature | 2 |
16. subDevices linked to the LeftHipBoard device
There is here one joint, and its actuators/sensors.
LHipRoll joint:
Name | Type | Number |
LHipRoll/Position/Actuator | Joint | 1 |
LHipRoll/Hardness/Actuator | JointHardness | 1 |
LHipRoll/Position/Sensor | jointPosition | 1 |
LHipRoll/ElectricCurrent/Sensor | Current | 1 |
LHipRoll/Temperature/Sensor | Temperature | 1 |
17. SubDevices linked to the RightHipBoard device
There is here one joint, and its actuators/sensors.
RHipRoll joint:
Name | Type | Number |
RHipRoll/Position/Actuator | Joint | 1 |
RHipRoll/Hardness/Actuator | JointHardness | 1 |
RHipRoll/Position/Sensor | jointPosition | 1 |
RHipRoll/ElectricCurrent/Sensor | Current | 1 |
RHipRoll/Temperature/Sensor | Temperature | 1 |
18. SubDevices linked to the LeftThighBoard device
There are here two joints, with all their actuators/sensors.
LHipPitch joint:
Name | Type | Number |
LHipPitch/Position/Actuator | Joint | 1 |
LHipPitch/Hardness/Actuator | JointHardness | 1 |
LHipPitch/Position/Sensor | jointPosition | 1 |
LHipPitch/ElectricCurrent/Sensor | jointPosition | 1 |
LHipPitch/Temperature/Sensor | Temperature | 1 |
LKneePitch joint:
Name | Type | Number |
LKneePitch/Position/Actuator | Joint | 2 |
LKneePitch/Hardness/Actuator | JointHardness | 2 |
LKneePitch/Position/Sensor | jointPosition | 2 |
LKneePitch/ElectricCurrent/Sensor | Current | 2 |
LKneePitch/Temperature/Sensor | Temperature | 2 |
19. SubDevices linked to the RightThighBoard device
There are here two joints, with all their actuators/sensors.
RHipPitch joint:
Name | Type | Number |
RHipPitch/Position/Actuator | Joint | 1 |
RHipPitch/Hardness/Actuator | JointHardness | 1 |
RHipPitch/Position/Sensor | jointPosition | 1 |
RHipPitch/ElectricCurrent/Sensor | Current | 1 |
RHipPitch/Temperature/Sensor | Temperature | 1 |
RKneePitch joint:
Name | Type | Number |
RKneePitch/Position/Actuator | Joint | 2 |
RKneePitch/Hardness/Actuator | JointHardness | 2 |
RKneePitch/Position/Sensor | jointPosition | 2 |
RKneePitch/ElectricCurrent/Sensor | Current | 2 |
RKneePitch/Temperature/Sensor | Temperature | 2 |
20. SubDevices linked to the LeftShinBoard device
There are here two joints, and its actuators/sensors.
LAnklePitch Joint:
Name | Type | Number |
LAnklePitch/Position/Actuator | Joint | 1 |
LAnklePitch/Hardness/Actuator | JointHardness | 1 |
LAnklePitch/Position/Sensor | jointPosition | 1 |
LAnklePitch/ElectricCurrent/Sensor | Current | 1 |
LAnklePitch/Temperature/Sensor | Temperature | 1 |
LAnkleRoll joint:
Name | Type | Number |
LAnkleRoll/Position/Actuator | Joint | 2 |
LAnkleRoll/Hardness/Actuator | JointHardness | 2 |
LAnkleRoll/Position/Sensor | jointPosition | 2 |
LAnkleRoll/ElectricCurrent/Sensor | Current | 2 |
LAnkleRoll/Temperature/Sensor | Temperature | 2 |
21. SubDevices linked to the RightShinBoard device
There is here one joint, and its actuators/sensors.
RAnklePitch joint:
Name | Type | Number |
RAnklePitch/Position/Actuator | Joint | 1 |
RAnklePitch/Hardness/Actuator | JointHardness | 1 |
RAnklePitch/Position/Sensor | jointPosition | 1 |
RAnklePitch/ElectricCurrent/Sensor | Current | 1 |
RAnklePitch/Temperature/Sensor | Temperature | 1 |
RAnkleRoll joint:
Name | Type | Number |
RAnkleRoll/Position/Actuator | Joint | 2 |
RAnkleRoll/Hardness/Actuator | JointHardness | 2 |
RAnkleRoll/Position/Sensor | jointPosition | 2 |
RAnkleRoll/ElectricCurrent/Sensor | jointPosition | 2 |
RAnkleRoll/Temperature/Sensor | jointPosition | 2 |
22. SubDevices linked to the LeftFootBoard device
There are 3 LEDs, 2 bumpers, 4 FSR sensors, 1 Total Weight (sum of all FSR), and 2 center of pressure.
Name | Type | Number |
LFoot/Led/Red/Actuator | Led | 1 |
LFoot/Led/Green/Actuator | Led | 2 |
LFoot/Led/Blue/Actuator | Led | 3 |
Name | Type | Number |
LFoot/Bumber/Left/Sensor | Switch | 1 |
LFoot/Bumber/Right/Sensor | Switch | 2 |
Name | Type | Number |
LFoot/FSR/FrontLeft/Sensor | FSR | 1 |
LFoot/FSR/FrontRight/Sensor | FSR | 2 |
LFoot/FSR/RearLeft/Sensor | FSR | 3 |
LFoot/FSR/RearRight/Sensor | FSR | 4 |
Total Weight of FSR:
Name | Type | Number |
LFoot/FSR/TotalWeight/Sensor | FSR | 10 |
Center of Pressure:
Name | Type | Number |
LFoot/FSR/CenterOfPressure/X/Sensor | CenterOfForcePosition | 1 |
LFoot/FSR/CenterOfPressure/Y/Sensor | CenterOfForcePosition | 2 |
23. SubDevices linked to the RightFootBoard device
There are 3 LEDs, 2 bumpers, 4 FSR sensors, 1 Total Weight (sum of all FSR), and 2 center of pressure.
Name | Type | Number |
RFoot/Led/Red/Actuator | Led | 1 |
RFoot/Led/Green/Actuator | Led | 2 |
RFoot/Led/Blue/Actuator | Led | 3 |
Name | Type | Number |
RFoot/Bumber/Left/Sensor | Switch | 1 |
RFoot/Bumber/Right/Sensor | Switch | 2 |
Name | Type | Number |
RFoot/FSR/FrontLeft/Sensor | FSR | 1 |
RFoot/FSR/FrontRight/Sensor | FSR | 2 |
RFoot/FSR/RearLeft/Sensor | FSR | 3 |
RFoot/FSR/RearRight/Sensor | FSR | 4 |
Total Weight of FSR:
Name | Type | Number |
RFoot/FSR/TotalWeight/Sensor | FSR | 10 |
Center of Pressure:
Name | Type | Number |
RFoot/FSR/CenterOfPressure/X/Sensor | CenterOfForcePosition | 1 |
RFoot/FSR/CenterOfPressure/Y/Sensor | CenterOfForcePosition | 2 |