Description of the mandatory and specific ALMemory keys for each subDevice type

LEDs (actuator)


Every LED is a simple actuator that has a float value from 0.0 (no light) to 1.0 (full light). Each LED has only one color, but there could be 3 LEDs (RGB) at the same place to have a full color RGB LED. But for the DCM point of view it's always 3 LEDs.

In the robot, there is 16 possible blue value for the LEDs in the ears. There is 64 possible values for every LEDs near the eyes. And 255 possible values for the chest and foot ones.

The main Value is the last value sent to the LED, using timed-command. This value is first converted to the suitable integer value (depending on the resolution), sent to the actuator, and then converted back to 0.0-1.0 value in ALMemory.


Unfortunately, having 3 RGB LEDs set to "1.0" does not mean that you'll see a perfect white: one or two LEDs will be brighter than others.

List of LEDs values keys

Device/SubDeviceList/ChestBoard/Led/Blue/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/ChestBoard/Led/Green/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/ChestBoard/Led/Red/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Ears/Led/Left/0Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Ears/Led/Left/108Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Ears/Led/Left/144Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Ears/Led/Left/180Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Ears/Led/Left/216Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Ears/Led/Left/252Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Ears/Led/Left/288Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Ears/Led/Left/324Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Ears/Led/Left/36Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Ears/Led/Left/72Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Ears/Led/Right/0Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Ears/Led/Right/108Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Ears/Led/Right/144Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Ears/Led/Right/180Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Ears/Led/Right/216Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Ears/Led/Right/252Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Ears/Led/Right/288Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Ears/Led/Right/324Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Ears/Led/Right/36Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Ears/Led/Right/72Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Blue/Left/0Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Blue/Left/135Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Blue/Left/180Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Blue/Left/225Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Blue/Left/270Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Blue/Left/315Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Blue/Left/45Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Blue/Left/90Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Blue/Right/0Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Blue/Right/135Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Blue/Right/180Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Blue/Right/225Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Blue/Right/270Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Blue/Right/315Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Blue/Right/45Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Blue/Right/90Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Green/Left/0Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Green/Left/135Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Green/Left/180Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Green/Left/225Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Green/Left/270Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Green/Left/315Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Green/Left/45Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Green/Left/90Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Green/Right/0Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Green/Right/135Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Green/Right/180Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Green/Right/225Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Green/Right/270Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Green/Right/315Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Green/Right/45Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Green/Right/90Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Red/Left/0Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Red/Left/135Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Red/Left/180Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Red/Left/225Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Red/Left/270Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Red/Left/315Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Red/Left/45Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Red/Left/90Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Red/Right/0Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Red/Right/135Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Red/Right/180Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Red/Right/225Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Red/Right/270Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Red/Right/315Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Red/Right/45Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Face/Led/Red/Right/90Deg/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Head/Led/Front/Left/0/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Head/Led/Front/Left/1/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Head/Led/Front/Right/0/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Head/Led/Front/Right/1/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Head/Led/Middle/Left/0/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Head/Led/Middle/Right/0/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Head/Led/Rear/Left/0/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Head/Led/Rear/Left/1/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Head/Led/Rear/Left/2/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Head/Led/Rear/Right/0/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Head/Led/Rear/Right/1/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Head/Led/Rear/Right/2/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LFoot/Led/Blue/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LFoot/Led/Green/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LFoot/Led/Red/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RFoot/Led/Blue/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RFoot/Led/Green/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RFoot/Led/Red/Actuator/Value

Switch (sensor)


Switches are simple sensors that return a 2 state float value 0.0 (unpressed) or 1.0 (pressed).

Beware that the value is read only every 10ms, and very fast change may be unseen.


It's better to use a logical "or" between the two switches of the same foot, and use it as one bumper only.

List of switchs values keys

Device/SubDeviceList/ChestBoard/Button/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LFoot/Bumper/Left/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LFoot/Bumper/Right/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RFoot/Bumper/Left/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RFoot/Bumper/Right/Sensor/Value

Joint (Position/Actuator)

This actuator is the subdevice giving the angle (in radian) to reach for joints. You need to send a timed command to this actuator, and you'll see in ALMemory the last value sent to the sensor. The value is sent to the motor board device as integer in 16 bits precision (0-360deg are 0-65535). In ALMemory and in timed-command everything is in radian only.You can use the hardness value (see below) to control the max current sent to the motor.

There is a special case: when the hardness is <=0, the position is automatically set to the Position/Sensor with the same subDevice number on the device.

Here are some information about the control-loop for joint position:

Control-loop in the robot use one or two MRE sensors (Magnetic Rotary Encoder, used like potentiometer/optical encoder). These sensors are a small chip that detects the angle of rotation with a magnet. The magnet and the MRE could be on the motor or on the joint, after the gear. The angle is returned as a 12bit integer (0 to 360 deg -> 0 to 4095). The value is quite precise (even if a 1° absolute error is not something exceptional) and has little errors. NAO articulations use 2 kinds of Maxon motors. The biggest is for all joints in the bottom (Hip and above).

There are two cases in the robot: you can have either one big maxon motor that have 2 MRE, one on the motor and one on the joint (this is for the bottom part), or you can have one small motor with one MRE, on the joint (this is for the top part of the robot).

The first solution is more precise and gives more accurate position, and very smooth movements even at low speed. On both solutions, the control loop is a kind of PID control, with modifications. For the 2 MRE version, the control is done with the MRE on the motor.

The MRE joint needs a calibration to know the "0" deg position. This is done by pushing the joint in the mechanical limit stop and send a special request. This calibration value is stored in the chest board (see preferences chapter), it's a 0-4095 integer that is the 0 position of the joint for the MRE. When the motor board starts, it has no address and no data about motors and MRE. They received everything after a configuration process done by the DCM.

There are many error cases where the control loop is disabled (or decreased):

  • If there are more than 50 consecutive errors (not warnings) on one of the two sensors (if there is two), the control loop is disabled. It starts again if there is no more error. A MRE value with an error is forgotten, and the last value is used. You'll need to wait 50 errors before disabling the control loop.
  • If there is no current detected, and the PWM>10%, the dsPIC thinks that the motor is unplugged, and reduces the control loop.
  • If there is a temperature issue (see temperature sensor). This reduces the max current.
  • There is no calibration (calibration value is 0).
  • If the motorBoard did not receive any order from 500ms, the control loop is automatically stopped.

    This is important: if the DCM process/thread dies, the control loop of each motor will be stopped half a second later, and only the electromagnetic break will remain. Your robot will fall slowly...

  • If the hardness is not set to 100% (see hardness actuator). This reduces the max current.
  • If the electric current is too high compared to the limitation value (see current sensor).

Others keys are:

  • ImportanceLevel1...7

    These keys are not used right now.

  • InvertControlDirection

    Boolean. Set it to true if you want the control loop to be inverted for the motor rotation. This configuration value is read at startup by the DCM and then sent to the motherboard during the configuration process.


    This value must never be changed!

  • Kp, Ki, Kp

    These integer values are coefficients for the modified PID. This configuration value is read at startup by the DCM and then sent to the motherboard during the configuration process.


    Do not change these configuration values. A high value may destroy the joint.

  • MotorNumber

    Integer value. 0 means no motor for this subDevice. 1 or 2 are the motor number. This configuration value is read at startup by the DCM and then sent to the motherboard during the configuration process.


    Do not change this configuration value.

List of position/actuator values keys

Device/SubDeviceList/HeadPitch/Position/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/HeadYaw/Position/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LAnklePitch/Position/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LAnkleRoll/Position/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LElbowRoll/Position/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LElbowYaw/Position/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LHand/Position/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LHipPitch/Position/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LHipRoll/Position/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LHipYawPitch/Position/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LKneePitch/Position/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LShoulderPitch/Position/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LShoulderRoll/Position/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LWristYaw/Position/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RAnklePitch/Position/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RAnkleRoll/Position/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RElbowRoll/Position/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RElbowYaw/Position/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RHand/Position/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RHipPitch/Position/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RHipRoll/Position/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RHipYawPitch/Position/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RKneePitch/Position/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RShoulderPitch/Position/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RShoulderRoll/Position/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RWristYaw/Position/Actuator/Value

jointHardness (Hardness/Actuator)

This is a special actuator that defines the hardness (Named as stiffness in the Motion module) of the joint. The value is from 0.0 to 1.0, 0 means 0% and 1 means 100% (full power). In the motorboard, this percentage is directly applied to the max current. Setting the hardness to 0.5 means that the electric current limitation is reduced to 50%.


Previous use of the hardness has an effect on the PWM.

The effect is not linear. A hardness set to 0.5 means that there is less power left to the motor.

There is a special case: when the hardness is <=0, the position is automatically set to the Position/Sensor with the same subDevice number on the device.

There is another special case: when there is no calibration ( Position/Sensor/jointZeroPosition is 0, see in jointPosition sensor) the hardness cannot be greater than 0.0.

The hardness is sent to the motor board every DCM cycle time, so you can decrease/increase the control loop very fast.


Increasing the hardness very fast could result on a very strong movement on the robot, depending on the difference between the last actuator command and the real position, given by the sensor.

The hardness is usually used to smooth the start of the control loop when the robot is powered. It's also used as a security. For example when the DCM has a cycle time error for more than 500ms, all hardness are set to 0 and then increased back to their former values in two seconds. You can also decrease it slowly at the end.

When the hardness is 0.0 (default value - that includes when the motorboard just started) the motor is in short circuit, so there is an electromagnetic break. This is a security to avoid the robot falling (it'll fall anyway, but slower).

If the hardness is <0, the motor is free (no electromagnetic break), but due to hardware limitation, it's only possible when the two motors of the same board are <0 (both are then free). If not, it's still electromagnetic break.

If the current from the battery is over the limit (see below) the hardness of all joints will be decreased (slowly) to avoid the battery to shut off.

List of hardness values keys

Device/SubDeviceList/HeadPitch/Hardness/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/HeadYaw/Hardness/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LAnklePitch/Hardness/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LAnkleRoll/Hardness/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LElbowRoll/Hardness/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LElbowYaw/Hardness/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LHand/Hardness/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LHipPitch/Hardness/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LHipRoll/Hardness/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LHipYawPitch/Hardness/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LKneePitch/Hardness/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LShoulderPitch/Hardness/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LShoulderRoll/Hardness/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LWristYaw/Hardness/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RAnklePitch/Hardness/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RAnkleRoll/Hardness/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RElbowRoll/Hardness/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RElbowYaw/Hardness/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RHand/Hardness/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RHipPitch/Hardness/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RHipRoll/Hardness/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RHipYawPitch/Hardness/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RKneePitch/Hardness/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RShoulderPitch/Hardness/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RShoulderRoll/Hardness/Actuator/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RWristYaw/Hardness/Actuator/Value

jointPosition (Position/Sensor)

These sensors return the angle of the joint in radian in the "Value" key. As seen in Joint (Position/Actuator), there is 1 or 2 MRE for each joint. The value returned here is always the MRE on the joint. It's a 12bits precise value (from 0 to 4095) change in rad.Refer to the Joint (Position/Actuator) for more details about the use of MRE sensors in control loop.

The sensor value is always returned, at each DCM cycle time. The value returned here uses a calibration that is stored in on special key ("jointZeroPosition"). MRE sensor values are quite precise and have very low error.

Others keys are:

  • "GearRatio"

    This key is a float with the gear ratio between the motor and the joint. The control loop uses it. This configuration value is read at startup by the DCM and then sent to the motherboard during the configuration process.


    Do not change this configuration value.

  • "SensorType"

    This key is the description the kind of sensor. For now it could be only one or two MRE for the joint. This configuration value is read at startup by the DCM and then sent to the motherboard during the configuration process.


    Do not change this configuration value.

  • "jointZeroPosition"

    This key is the calibration value for the MRE on the joint. It's an integer from 0 to 4095. A 0 value means that there is no calibration (default state) and so the hardness cannot be set. Usually, the value of this key is at "0" in the Device.xml standard file, but another value different from 0 is set by the configuration file in the chest board. This chest board file is of course linked to the body of the robot, and is specific to it. This configuration value is read at startup by the DCM and then sent to the motherboard during the configuration process.


    Do not change this configuration value in the chest board and/or in the Device.xml.

  • "positionChainMREJoint"

    This key is a integer 0-4 number that indicates the position of the MRE sensor for the joint in the MRE chain linked to the motorboard. 0 means that there is no sensor.This configuration value is read at startup by the DCM and then send to the motherboard during the configuration process.


    Do not change this configuration value.

  • "positionChainMREMotor"

    This key is an integer 0-4 number that indicates the position of the MRE sensor for the motor in the MRE chain linked to the motorboard. 0 means that there is no sensor. It's the case for all joints up to the robot. This configuration value is read at startup by the DCM and then sent to the motherboard during the configuration process.


    Do not change this configuration value.

List of Position/Sensor values keys

Device/SubDeviceList/HeadPitch/Position/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/HeadYaw/Position/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LAnklePitch/Position/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LAnkleRoll/Position/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LElbowRoll/Position/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LElbowYaw/Position/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LHand/Position/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LHipPitch/Position/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LHipRoll/Position/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LHipYawPitch/Position/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LKneePitch/Position/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LShoulderPitch/Position/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LShoulderRoll/Position/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LWristYaw/Position/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RAnklePitch/Position/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RAnkleRoll/Position/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RElbowRoll/Position/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RElbowYaw/Position/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RHand/Position/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RHipPitch/Position/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RHipRoll/Position/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RHipYawPitch/Position/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RKneePitch/Position/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RShoulderPitch/Position/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RShoulderRoll/Position/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RWristYaw/Position/Sensor/Value

Current (Current/Sensor)

There is 2 different Devices that send a current: the MotorBoard (updated every 10ms), and the Battery (updated every 20ms). For the battery, the value is signed: positive if the robot is charging, negative in case of discharge. For motorboard, the value key has the electric current in the motor in Ampere.

Every motorboard has a current sensor for each motor that is a very small resistor between the H-Bridge and the 0v.

The resistor voltage value is read by the micro-controller ADC at a precise moment in the PWM. If there is no PWM, there is no current seen, even if the motor has current (for example if you move the motor by hand).

Every motorBoard has an electric current limitation: if the current reach the "Max" value ("ElectricCurrent/Sensor/Max") the PWM (return by the control loop) will be decreased a bit until it returns under the maximum value, and it's increased again after. This is a kind of current control loop around the maximum value.

The aim of this limitation is to protect the motor, the electronic board, and the mechanical part of the joint.

This configuration value is read at startup by the DCM and then send to the motherboard during the configuration process.

The battery has also a current limitation: if the current from the battery is over the limit (max value) the hardness of all joints will be decreased (slowly) by the DCM to avoid the battery to shut off.


Never increase these configuration values!


For the new Sanyo battery, the current is updated every 3.5s.

There is no special key for current subDevice type, but the "Max'" value is the value used for the current limitation.

List of current values keys

Device/SubDeviceList/Battery/Current/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/HeadPitch/ElectricCurrent/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/HeadYaw/ElectricCurrent/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LAnklePitch/ElectricCurrent/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LAnkleRoll/ElectricCurrent/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LElbowRoll/ElectricCurrent/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LElbowYaw/ElectricCurrent/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LHand/ElectricCurrent/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LHipPitch/ElectricCurrent/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LHipRoll/ElectricCurrent/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LHipYawPitch/ElectricCurrent/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LKneePitch/ElectricCurrent/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LShoulderPitch/ElectricCurrent/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LShoulderRoll/ElectricCurrent/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LWristYaw/ElectricCurrent/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RAnklePitch/ElectricCurrent/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RAnkleRoll/ElectricCurrent/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RElbowRoll/ElectricCurrent/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RElbowYaw/ElectricCurrent/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RHand/ElectricCurrent/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RHipPitch/ElectricCurrent/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RHipRoll/ElectricCurrent/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RHipYawPitch/ElectricCurrent/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RKneePitch/ElectricCurrent/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RShoulderPitch/ElectricCurrent/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RShoulderRoll/ElectricCurrent/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RWristYaw/ElectricCurrent/Sensor/Value


There are two different Devices that return a temperature: the MotorBoard, and the Battery. For both, the temperature returned in "Value" is in deg Celsius. The motor temperature is a simulated one, using electric current value of the motor. Even when the robot just starts, the temperature is quite high (50°C).The simulation starts at this value mainly due to the internal temperature value. The motor board implements a temperature limitation: as long as the simulated temperature reaches 75°C, the current limitation is decreased to stay under 85°C.

List of temperature values keys

Device/SubDeviceList/Battery/Temperature/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/HeadPitch/Temperature/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/HeadYaw/Temperature/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LAnklePitch/Temperature/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LAnkleRoll/Temperature/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LElbowRoll/Temperature/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LElbowYaw/Temperature/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LHand/Temperature/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LHipPitch/Temperature/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LHipRoll/Temperature/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LHipYawPitch/Temperature/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LKneePitch/Temperature/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LShoulderPitch/Temperature/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LShoulderRoll/Temperature/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LWristYaw/Temperature/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RAnklePitch/Temperature/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RAnkleRoll/Temperature/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RElbowRoll/Temperature/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RElbowYaw/Temperature/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RHand/Temperature/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RHipPitch/Temperature/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RHipRoll/Temperature/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RKneePitch/Temperature/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RShoulderPitch/Temperature/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RShoulderRoll/Temperature/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RWristYaw/Temperature/Sensor/Value

Charge, for the battery

  • Value: relative state of charge in % ( from 0.0 to 1.0, 1.0 means 100%). This value is directly sent by the battery.

    The value on the old BMZ battery is not very precise, due to an imprecision on calibration and integration of power.

  • Accu Voltage in V after last learning cycle

    Not implemented

  • Remaining Capacity in Ah

    Not implemented

  • "FullChargeCapacity" in Ah

    FCC: Implemented

  • Cycle Counts (0-0xffff)

    Not implemented

  • Design Capacity in Ah

    Not implemented

  • Design Voltage in V

    Not implemented

  • Cell Voltage in mV max

    Implemented: the mV value of the maximum voltage of all 6 cells in the battery.

  • Cell Voltage in mV min

    Implemented: the mV value of the minimum voltage of all 6 cells in the battery. The battery has security that stop it if < 2.7V.

  • DelayForDischargeErrorReset (in s)

    Not implemented

  • Count of cycles after last learning cycle

    Not implemented

  • Status of the battery

    Implemented. See below


On the new Sanyo battery, the min/max value of cell voltage are now both an average of the 6 cells values.

Boolean values:

These boolean value are not implemented. However, the direct bits are available through the "Status" key, as a 2 byte integer word. Use bit mask to found the true/false result for each bits.

  • End off Discharge flag ( = 3.0V/cell) (bit 0)

    Use the Cell Voltage min

  • Near End off Discharge flag ( = 3.2V/cell) (bit 1)

    Use the Cell Voltage min

  • Charge FET on (bit 2)
  • Discharge FET on (bit 3)
  • Accu learn flag (bit 4)
  • Discharging flag (bit 5)
  • full charge flag (bit 6)
  • charge flag (bit 7)
  • Charge Temperature Alarm (bit 8)
  • Over Charge Alarm (bit 9)
  • Discharge Alarm (bit 10)
  • Charge Over Current Alarm (bit 11)
  • Discharge Over Current Alarm >14A (bit 12)

    Means that the battery will cut itself in a few ms

  • Discharge Over Current Alarm > 6A (bit 13)

    Means that the battery will cut itself in a few ms

  • Discharge Temperature Alarm (bit 14)
  • Power-Supply for charging is present (bit 15)

There is a different status on the new Sanyo battery. It is one byte with:

  • Reserved (bit 0)


  • Reserved (bit 1)


  • Reserved (bit 2)


  • Reserved (bit 3)


  • LEARNF (bit 4)

    Learn Flag When set to 1, a charge cycle can be used to learn battery capacity. Set to 1 when: ( VOLT falls from above VAE to below VAE ) AND ( CURRENT > IAE ) Cleared to 0 when: ( CHGTF = 1 ) OR ( CURRENT negative ) OR ( ACR = 0 **) OR ( ACR written or recalled from EEPROM) OR ( SLEEP Entered )

  • SEF (bit 5)

    Standby Empty Flag Set to 1 when: RSRC less than 10% Cleared to 0 when: RSRC > 15%

  • AEF (bit 6)

    Active Empty Flagset to 1 when: VOLT less than VAE Cleared to 0 when: RARC > 5%

  • CHGTF (bit 7)

    Charge Termination Flag Set to 1 when: ( VOLT > VCHG ) AND ( IAVG between 0 and IMIN ) continuously for a period between two IAVG register updates ( 28s to 56s ). Cleared to 0 when: RARC less than 90%


RemainingCapacity is updated in the SANYO battery, with values in Ah.


FullChargeCapacity is nupdated in the SANYO battery, with values in Ah. The value is the division of the RemainingCapacity by the charge %. It is not updated if the charge is less than 10%.


There is a new "Age" value for the SANYO battery, with values in %. This is an estimation of the age of the battery (depending on cycles). Better is 100%.


Send a value to this actuator to send a wave. With the value, you can choose what is the transmitter (left or right) and what is the receiver (left or right) for the US wave.

Choosing the side of the receiver/transmitter has an influence on detection cone, and gives you information about the obstacle presence.

The result is written approximately 10ms after in US/Sensor/Value. It's in meters. <=0 or >=2.55m means error from the sensor or echo not detected.

  • The first bit of this value lets you choose which receiver you want to use. 0 for left and 1 for right.
  • The second bit lets you choose the transmitter. Again, 0 meaning left and 1 meaning right.

Value Transmitter Receiver
0.0 Left Left
1.0 Left Right
2.0 Right Left
3.0 Right Right


Since the new firmware (version 2) there are new modes of measuring object distances with ultrasounds. You can check the firmware version in /Device/USBoard/ProgVersion

  • The third bit (value 4) means that two captures will be made with only one command, left and right. The results will be available in two new subDevices: US/Left/Sensor and US/Right/Sensor. Now, 10 values are available for each sensor, corresponding to the distance of the first 10 echoes detected.
  • The fourth bit (value 8) orders the use of two transmitters at the same time.
  • The seventh bit (value 64) is used to register for a periodic capture. It means that you need to send the read request to the DCM just once, then you simply read the values every 100 ms in ALMemory. To stop the periodic mode, you can send a new reading command without that bit.

All the bits combinations are not useful, even possible. Here are examples:

Value Transmitter Receiver
4.0 Right and Left Right and Left
12.0 (8.0 + 4.0) Right and Left Right and Left
68.0 (64.0 + 4.0) Right and Left Right and Left

US actuator value key



This is the value returned by the UltraSound Device sensor (one of the two sensors in the chest). The value is changed about 10ms after sending the wave using the US actuator.

This request decides which transmitter/receiver is used.

The result is in meters. If you've got 0 or >=2.55 m, this is an error (same if there is a NACK).

Here is some more information about ultrasonic sensor:

The maximum distance for detection is approximately 1.20m (for the old version), but you'll likely detect the ground before.

Be careful you can detect the robot arms!

The emission cone depends on the size of the object in front of the robot.

The quality of the detection will depends on the object (or obstacle): size, surface, orientation.

US sensor value key


US/Right/Sensor/Value and US/Left/Sensor/Value

These are the new sensors respectively dedicated to the left or right receivers. They are used if the third bit is set in the value sent to the actuator (only available for V2 cards).

The results of the first echo detected on each receiver are in Value, the 9 following echoes are from Value1 to Value9.

A value of 0 means an error, the minimum valid value/distance is 0,25m. A value of 2,55 means no echo, the maximum detectable distance is 2,54m.

For example, if Value contains 0,40, Value1 1,2 and Value2 2,55, the following values (3 to 9) will contain 2,55 too. It probably means you have the echo of the ground at 0,40m and another object at 1,2m. Left and Right sensors work the same way and allow you to locate objects.

List of us left/right sensor values keys

Device/SubDeviceList/US/Left/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/US/Left/Sensor/Value1 Device/SubDeviceList/US/Left/Sensor/Value2 Device/SubDeviceList/US/Left/Sensor/Value3 Device/SubDeviceList/US/Left/Sensor/Value4 Device/SubDeviceList/US/Left/Sensor/Value5 Device/SubDeviceList/US/Left/Sensor/Value6 Device/SubDeviceList/US/Left/Sensor/Value7 Device/SubDeviceList/US/Left/Sensor/Value8 Device/SubDeviceList/US/Left/Sensor/Value9 Device/SubDeviceList/US/Right/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/US/Right/Sensor/Value1 Device/SubDeviceList/US/Right/Sensor/Value2 Device/SubDeviceList/US/Right/Sensor/Value3 Device/SubDeviceList/US/Right/Sensor/Value4 Device/SubDeviceList/US/Right/Sensor/Value5 Device/SubDeviceList/US/Right/Sensor/Value6 Device/SubDeviceList/US/Right/Sensor/Value7 Device/SubDeviceList/US/Right/Sensor/Value8 Device/SubDeviceList/US/Right/Sensor/Value9


The robot has a two axis gyrometer, in the center of the body. There is in fact 3 subDevices as there is also a reference value.

These sensors give the rotation speed around the robot X axis and around the robot Y axis.

When the robot does not move, you've got a "no rotation" value, that is not 0 and needs a calibration, usually around -2000. The main difficulty here is to calibrate this 0.

Then, the change of the value is around 2.7 increment/°/s.

You can have more information reading the sensor datasheet ( IDG300Q ).

The value is then read by an micro-controller ADC (12 bits, from a 0-3.3v range), with a few average, and send back directly (just multiply by -1 to be in the good direction).

List of gyro values keys

Device/SubDeviceList/InertialSensor/GyrRef/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/InertialSensor/GyrX/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/InertialSensor/GyrY/Sensor/Value


The robot has a digital 8-bits 3 axis accelerometer, in the center of the body.

The 3 values are the return from the 3 axis acceleration sensor, with a light filter. 0 value means no acceleration at all for this axis. The value of g is about 56.

You can have more information reading the sensor datasheet ( LIS302DL ). The value is digital, and directly return in ALMemory (with just a *-1 for the Y value).

List of acc values keys

Device/SubDeviceList/InertialSensor/AccX/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/InertialSensor/AccY/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/InertialSensor/AccZ/Sensor/Value


The inertial board computes 2 inclination angles of the robot body with the gyro and accelero data.

Both angles are in radians.

List of angles values keys

Device/SubDeviceList/InertialSensor/AngleX/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/InertialSensor/AngleY/Sensor/Value


FSR stands for Force Sensing Resistor. There are 8 FSR subDevices in the robot, 4 in each foot. See hardware documentation for precise localization (there are also in the keys /XPosition and /YPosition, in m).

The value returned for each FSR is similar to Kg. If FSR are calibrated (see robot configuration keys), the value in kg is about 20% precision (depending time and real force position). Without calibration the error could be more important, and is specific to each sensor.


The former raw values could be computed again inverting the formula: New value = ((1.0/old raw value) - offset)*gain.

The total weight value is the sum of all 4 FSR of the foot.

List of FSR values keys

Device/SubDeviceList/LFoot/FSR/FrontLeft/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LFoot/FSR/FrontRight/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LFoot/FSR/RearLeft/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LFoot/FSR/RearRight/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LFoot/FSR/TotalWeight/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RFoot/FSR/FrontLeft/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RFoot/FSR/FrontRight/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RFoot/FSR/RearLeft/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RFoot/FSR/RearRight/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RFoot/FSR/TotalWeight/Sensor/Value


CenterOfPressure values are computed barycenter of FSR (using individual weight and position) for each foot. The value returned is in m for X and Y, from the foot reference, see the hardware documentation.

Using centerOfPressure and weight from both foot, you can compute a barycenter for all weight on the robot.


When the weight on the foot is very low, the center of pressure will likely be bad.


If the real center of pressure go outside the 4 FSR parallelogram, the value of weight and centre of pressure could become bad, due to internal mechanical constraint.

The total weight value is the sum of all 4 FSR of the foot.

List of CenterOfPressure values keys

Device/SubDeviceList/LFoot/FSR/CenterOfPressure/X/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LFoot/FSR/CenterOfPressure/Y/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RFoot/FSR/CenterOfPressure/X/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RFoot/FSR/CenterOfPressure/Y/Sensor/Value

Touch switch

3 tactile proximity switches are present on the top of the head of NAO Academics Edition. They can detect a human finger or hand. The LEDs near the sensors are switched on when sensors detect something.

From the 3.3 version of NAO, 3 tactile sensors are also present on each hands, on both side and on the upper part.


When the battery charger is plugged in, the tactile sensor may be too sensitive during a short period of time.

List of touch values keys

Device/SubDeviceList/Head/Touch/Front/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Head/Touch/Middle/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/Head/Touch/Rear/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LHand/Touch/Back/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LHand/Touch/Left/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LHand/Touch/Right/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RHand/Touch/Back/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RHand/Touch/Left/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RHand/Touch/Right/Sensor/Value

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