
Pref files

Device.xml and DCM.xml are read from the naoqi/preference directory. The DCM keeps a copy of them in its RAM, and send them to ALMemory.

Then the DCM reads the sub pref files:

  • Device_Head.xml is read from the same directory, kept in memory, and its key/value are send to ALMemory over the key/values that already exist.
  • The DCM reads the Device_Body from the chest board flash memory, writes a copy (Device_Body.xml) in the naoqi/preference directory, and sends key/value to ALMemory over the key/values that already exists.

Whatever happened then, ALMemory always has a copy of what the DCM has in memory, with the difference that the DCM keeps all Pref and SubPref as separate files.


If the same key is on both Device_Head and Device_Body with a different value, the result will be unpredictable.

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