Force Sensitive Resistors (FSRs)

These sensors measure a resistance change according to the pressure applied. The FSR located on the feet have a working range from 0 N to 25 N.

FSR schematic positions

FSR positions in the Ankle Frame

FSR Name Position X (m) [Ankle Frame] Position Y (m) [Ankle Frame]
LFsrFL 0.07025 [LEFT] 0.0299 [LEFT]
LFsrFR 0.07025[LEFT] -0.0231 [LEFT]
LFsrRL -0.03025 [LEFT] 0.0299[LEFT]
LFsrRR -0.02965 [LEFT] -0.0191 [LEFT]
RFsrFL 0.07025 [RIGHT] 0.0231 [RIGHT]
RFsrFR 0.07025 [RIGHT] -0.0299 [RIGHT]
RFsrRL -0.03025 [RIGHT] 0.0191 [RIGHT]
RFsrRR -0.02965 [RIGHT] -0.0299 [RIGHT]

Access value by using ALMemory key name

Left Foot(grams):

Device/SubDeviceList/LFoot/FSR/FrontLeft/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LFoot/FSR/FrontRight/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LFoot/FSR/RearLeft/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/LFoot/FSR/RearRight/Sensor/Value

Right Foot(grams):

Device/SubDeviceList/RFoot/FSR/FrontLeft/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RFoot/FSR/FrontRight/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RFoot/FSR/RearLeft/Sensor/Value Device/SubDeviceList/RFoot/FSR/RearRight/Sensor/Value

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