Welcome to the website of the first international workshop on Human-Centered Design of Symbiotic Hybrid Intelligence, which is part of the HHAI 2022 conference in Amsterdam on June 14th 2022. (More information on the main conference is provided here: https://hhai-conference.org)
As virtual agents and social robots with adaptive and learning capabilities enter our work and leisure environments, new opportunities arise to develop Hybrid (human-AI) Intelligent systems. Both humans and AI-agents learn, adapt, and develop over time, and, consequently, it is a challenge to imagine what these co-evolving HI systems will look like. This workshop brings together researchers who want to explore how to design co-evolving symbiotic HI-systems from a human-centered perspective, thereby using multidisciplinary methods, models and tools. At the workshop, among other things, we will apply storyboards, scenario writing and pattern engineering to identify interesting HI-patterns with accompanying research challenges (to be further processed in a position paper with a research roadmap).