This will be a one-day workshop, consisting of the following program elements:
- Four presentations on the challenges for research and development of HI-systems that people have encountered in their work, as well as ways in which they have attempted to use human-centered design to solve these challenges
- Work sessions to create prototypical HI patterns; participants receive each other's short paper in advance, and groups will be formed based on this input. Each participant pitches its input at the start, after which participants will create and synthesize an HI pattern in their group, including human and AI requirements. In order to do this, we will facilitate the use of methods and tools from human-centered design, like storyboarding and scenario writing.
The detailed program is as follows:
09:00 Start of the workshop day, introduction to the program
09:30 Presentation 1: Symbiosis and Co-Evolution in Hybrid Human-Machine Systems - Mark Neerincx and David Abbink (with a contribution of Luisa Damiano)
10:15 Presentation 2: The FATE project: Applied AI Research in a Human-Centered Manner – Tjeerd Schoonderwoerd, Joachim de Greeff and Emma van Zoelen
11:00 Coffee break
11:15 Presentation 3: Human-Machine Teaming in the Fire Brigade
12:00 Presentation 4: Design Patterns – Mani Tajaddini
12:45 Lunch break
14:00 Work Session part 1
15:00 Coffee break with Visual presentations
15:30 Work Session part 2
16:30 Final Presentations and Discussions