
Aim of the module

The ALAudioDevice module aims to manage audio inputs and outputs on the robot.

It allows other modules to get sound data coming from the NAO's microphones and to send sound to its loudspeakers.

The way of doing this is detailed in the two tutorials below.


The available parameters are the output sample rate and the input buffer size.

- Output sample rate can be set to 16000 Hz, 22050 Hz, 44100 Hz or 48000 Hz.


By default, a sample rate of 16000 Hz or 22050 Hz is used (depending of the language used by the vocal synthesis engine). Do not change it during the synthesis process.

- The input buffer size can be set to 8192 or 16384. It fixes the interval where the sound data from the NAO's microphones will be sent to the sound processing modules.


By default, the input buffer size is set to 8192 because it is the size used by the speech recognition engine. Don't change it if speech recognition is running.

With the input sample rate set as 48kHz, by default sound data coming from the NAO's microphones are sent to others modules every 170 ms.

You can increase this buffer size to 16384 to get the data every 340 ms, but you will not be able to use speech recognition at same time.

Click here for additional information on the ALAudiodevice module.

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