startVideoRecord and stopVideoRecord
These two functions are used to record AVI videos on the robot.
Note: | Video recording can be quickly accessed using Telepathe, which internally uses VisionToolbox's functions. |
They are quite straightforward to use. Just call startVideoRecord passing the video name as argument. NAO will then start to record what it can see with its active camera. The record is done at a frame rate of 15 frames per second, 320*240 pixels, with MJPG compression. Please note that the frame rate may go down below 15 fps depending on what is running on the robot.
startVideoRecord is not a blocking function, it launches a separate thread that performs the video recording.
When you want to stop the record, call stopVideoRecord. The record is then saved on the robot in the user data section (/home/nao/naoqi/data/vision/ directory) using the file name you specified.
Please note that you can only have one active record at a time. If you want to know if there is an active record, you can call isVideoRecording().
Note: | VisionToolbox also offers a "startVideoRecord_adv" function, which gives you access to more parameters regarding your video record (frame rate, format, resolution, etc). Please refer to your online robot's documentation for exact details. |