Replaying an .arv video file (beta)
Let's replay the arv file recorded in the preceding section and display it in Telepathe using a Python script.
# First modify the AL_DIR/preferences/VideoInput.xml file to activate FileCam and relaunch NAOqi camProxy = ALProxy("ALVideoDevice", IP, PORT) pRange = [20, 80] pLoop = True pReplayMode = 3 pStreamNumber = 0 #optional camProxy.setVideo("/home/nao/naoqi/myFile.arv", pRange, pLoop, pReplayMode, pStreamNumber) # You can now launch Telepathe that will display the 21st frame of the file # Provide the 22nd image to the VIM that will transmit it to the GVM camProxy.nextImage() # Plays a new frame every 2 seconds. NextImage() and previousImage() can still be called. camProxy.replaySpeed(0.5)