Modifying camera parameters

The camera has a list of parameters which can be modified.

Parameter Min value Max value Camera ID name ID value
Brightness 0 255 kCameraBrightnessID 0
Contrast 0 127 kCameraContrastID 1
Saturation 0 255 kCameraSaturationID 2
Hue -180 180 kCameraHueID 3
Red Chroma 0 255 kCameraRedChromaID 4
Blue Chroma 0 255 kCameraBlueChromaID 5
Gain 0 255 kCameraGainID 6
Horizontal Flip 0 1 kCameraHFlipID 7
Vertical Flip 0 1 kCameraVFlipID 8
Correction Lens X (has no effect) 0 255 kCameraLensXID 9
Correction Lens Y (has no effect) 0 255 kCameraLensYID 10
Auto Exposition 0 1 kCameraAutoExpositionID 11
Auto White Balance 0 1 kCameraAutoWhiteBalanceID 12
Auto Gain 0 1 kCameraAutoGainID 13
Camera Resolution kQVGA kVGA kCameraResolutionID 14
Frames Per Second (among 5, 10, 15, 30 ) - not yet functionnal 5 30 kCameraFrameRateID 15
Exposure (time in ms = value x 33/510) 0 number of lines of the sensor (480 + 30 covered lines = 510) kCameraExposureID 17
Camera Select 0 (top cam.) 1 (bottom cam.) kCameraSelectID 18
Reset camera registers (RESERVED) NA NA kCameraSetDefaultParamsID 19
Exposure Correction (= value/3 - switch automatically in AEC average based algorithm) -6 6 kCameraExposureCorrectionID 21
Auto Exposure Control Algorithm 0 (average based algorithm) 1 (histogram based algorithm) kCameraAecAlgorithmID 22
Fast switch (both cameras must run in the same mode) NA NA kCameraFastSwitchID 23
Camera Sharpness 0 31 kCameraSharpnessID 24

There are methods to get and to change those parameters. Here is an example:

// First, get a proxy on the video input module if you haven't already done it. ALPtr<ALProxy> cameraProxy = getParentBroker()->getProxy( "ALVideoDevice" ); // Now you are able to get the value of any parameter. int BrightnessValue = ( cameraProxy->call<int>( "getParam", kCameraBrightnessID ) ); //You can change any parameter's value with the following method. cameraProxy->callVoid( "setParam", kCameraHueID, -130);

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