I am a member of TUDelft's Human Research Ethics Committee, representing the faculty of EEMCS. And I'm the liason of the department of Intelligent Systems for our Faculty Graduate School.
I am a member of the Steering Committee for the HHAI conference since 2022, the TU Delft human research ethics committee since 2019 and liason for the EEMCS faculty graduate school since 2023.
I'm a 'spiegelbeeld' for VHTO, the Dutch organization aimed at promoting women in STEM.
From 2020 to 2022 I was a part of the management team of the Delft Design for Values institute.
I have served as PC member for several of the leading conferences in my field, such as IJCAI, AAMAS, ECAI, PRIMA, HRI, CHI and IVA, as well as a number of workshops at these events.
- November 19: Keynote on Trust in AI at the Arctic AI Days, Oulu, Finland
- November 11-12: Invited speaker on Appropriate Mutual Trust at the Trust in AI workshop, l'Aquila, Italy
- August 12-16: Organizer Lorentz Workshop on Research Environments for Human-Machine Teaming, Leiden, Netherlands
- June 11: Workshop organization MULTITTRUST on Human-AI Team Trust at the HHAI '24 conference in Malmö, Sweden
- June 10: Workshop organization on 'Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare' at the HHAI '24 conference in Malmö, Sweden
- June 26: Keynote 'Let's Talk about Trust' at the first International Workshop on Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Human-AI Team Trust: Munich, Germany
- Editor for the special track on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence in the Journal of AI Research (JAIR)
- November 21: Symposium co-organisation: Being human in the digital society: on technology, norms and us, Delft
- September 6: Keynote on trusting agents at the Doctoral consortium of the international conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, Faro, Portugal
- June 29: Invited Talk about Values & Trust at SIKS Course on Responsible AI, online
- June 13-18: Program Chair of the first international conference on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence, Amsterdam
- November 4: Keynote at the 4TU.Humans & Technology winterschool on Trust & Trustworthiness, Delft
- July 8 : Invited Talk on Understanding values, AI Tech Agora, online
- February 13 : VTHO, speed-date sessions for high-school students, Leiden
- October & November: Research visit Victoria University, Wellington. New Zealand
- June 14: Keynote at USKCI Symposium Brave new world?, Utrecht
- April : Participation workshop on trust and ethics " at Dagstuhl. Germany
- March 19th & 20th: Demo "Telling a computer about your habits and values" at ICTOpen. Amersfoort
- Febuary 21st: Keynote at Nato panel Leveraging Technology in Military Mental Health. Amsterdam
- October 26th: Keynote at Nato panel Human-Autonomy Teaming. Delft
- April 5th & 6th: Demo "Question system for memory recollection", at International Conference of Persuasive Technology. Amsterdam
- January 18th - Febuary 5th: Research visit Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California, Los Angeles
- August 24th - 28th: Workshop organiser on Virtual Health Agents, at the International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, Delft.
- May 4th - 15th: Research visit E-health group, University of Edinburgh Edinburgh
- May 22nd: Demo at Symposium The impact of great wars and beyond, Leiden