I am involved in teaching the following courses at Delft University of Technology:

Design of Human-Centered AI Systems (CSE Master)
DSAIT4070  -     In today's world, interactive AI-infused systems like movie and music recommendation systems, as well as health or financial digital advice systems, provide algorithmic support to individuals in achieving their short- and long-term goals. Ideally, these systems aim to align with people's values, motivations, habits, and social context, offering augmentation of capabilities by providing algorithmic solutions to tasks that may be mentally demanding or require expertise beyond the individual's reach.
As automation levels rise, ensuring meaningful control, trustworthiness, and understandability of these systems becomes crucial for user acceptance. In this course, students learn to design and evaluate these systems from a human-centred AI perspective.

Human-Computer Interaction (CSE Bachelor)
CSE3500 - Traditionally interaction with computer systems moved from text-based (e.g., terminals) to graphical user interfaces (GUI). As technology systems (e.g., expert systems, recommender systems) increase in complexity, a standard graphical user interface (GUI) is often not sufficient to harness their power. This course will consider developments in intelligent adaptive interfaces. This course will cover four aspects of HCI systems: a) Identifying functional and non-functional requirements. b) Design of interactive and adaptive systems. c) Prototyping of these systems. d) User-centered Evaluation of these systems.

Collaborative Artificial Intelligence (CSE Bachelor)
CSE3210 - Traditionally, Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications are realized as “centralized” solutions, where a single entity, e.g., an organization, collects massive amounts of data from end users to provide a suite of AI-powered services. The ethical concerns such centralized AI solutions pose (e.g., fairness, accountability, transparency, and privacy) are increasingly evident.


Msc. Thesis supervision

If you are a master student and looking for a thesis project, take a look at the topics below or at my 'projects' page for the type of topics I'm interested in. Feel free to contact me if you're interested in any of these.

  • Trust in AI systems, and how to make them trustworthy (including explainable AI)
  • Human-AI Teamwork (in particular mutual understanding between humans and AI)
  • Values in assistive technologies (e.g. coaching, behavior change support or mental health support)


Previous Master Theses I supervised: