Software requirements

This section will guide you through the use of Python and NAOqi.


This section only covers the use of Python outside of Choregraphe.

Installing and configuring Python

  1. Install Python 2.6.

    > On Linux, you probably already have this version installed.


    This should be the case if you are using Ubuntu in a version more recent than Intrepid.

    > On Mac Snow Leopard, Python2.6 is already installed but you need to configure Python to use 32 bits libraries:

    $~ defaults write Prefer-32-Bit -bool yes

    > On Windows, a Python 2.6 installer is available here.

  2. On Windows, install setup tools, available here.
  3. On Windows, put C:\Python26 and C:\Python26\scripts in you %PATH%.
  4. On Windows, also put /path/to/aldebaran-sdk/bin and /path/to/aldebaran-sdk/lib in your %PATH%.
  5. On the three platforms, set the PYTHONPATH environment variable to /path/to/aldebaran-sdk/lib.
  6. On Mac, as a temporary workaround, you should also set DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to /path/to/aldebaran/sdk/lib
  7. Check that everything is ok by opening a command line and typing:

    $~ python ... >>> import naoqi

  8. If everything is fine, congratulations! You have successfully set up the Python SDK!

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