Call for participation


This full-day workshop aims to build an interdisciplinary research community for people who are interested in developing hybrid intelligence (HI) systems for healthcare and well-being.

As technology, particularly intelligent systems, becomes more integrated into people’s daily life, AI-based systems designed to facilitate lifestyle change or behavior change for health and well-being also become more common. However, there is still a long process going from research that develops such support systems to deploying such systems in people’s everyday life.

Particularly, challenges faced by the development and deployment of AI-based support systems call for a shift of the design process towards a human-centered approach. This approach can be addressed by HI. Specifically, human capabilities are augmented by their complementary AI capabilities, thus achieving improved results overall. To achieve a better understanding of how HI systems can support healthcare and well-being and what are the key challenges for HI systems for healthcare, this workshop will focus on addressing why we need HI and how HI differs from just AI-based systems for healthcare.

Developing HI systems for health and well-being is an interdisciplinary research effort by nature. This requires people from various related fields such as computer science, human-computer interaction, psychology, medicine, etc., to exchange their perspectives and collaborate. Therefore, in this workshop, we also want to focus on community building, interdisciplinary exchange, and discussion among participants.  


We invite interested participants to submit an extended abstract to describe their work or vision on HI in healthcare. 

To participate, please submit in PDF format via EasyChair ( by April 10 the latest. After all contributions are reviewed by the program and steering committee, the authors will be notified on May 2

The extended abstract should be in English and double-blind, no longer than two pages, and the format should follow the HHAI conference submission guidelines (IOS formatting guidelines). 

We do not require the submissions to be current work in progress—the goal of the submission is for us to have a better understanding of the participants’ interests and structure discussions around them. 

Accepted abstracts will be presented as a lightning pitch (see tentative schedule), where each participant will have a few minutes to introduce themselves and their work or vision. 

Important dates 

Deadline for submission: April 10, 2024

Notification on the submission: May 2, 2024

Workshops and tutorials (Malmö, Sweden): June 10-11, 2024

Topics of interest

The workshop aims to understand better how HI systems can support healthcare and what the main challenges are. We welcome work on any of the main topics of the HHAI conference (see below) applied to the healthcare domain: 

  • Human-AI interaction and collaboration
  • Adaptive human-AI co-learning and co-creation
  • Learning, reasoning and planning with humans and machines in the loop
  • User modeling and personalisation
  • Integration of learning and reasoning
  • Transparent, explainable, and accountable AI
  • Fair, ethical, responsible, and trustworthy AI
  • Societal awareness of AI
  • Multimodal machine perception of real world settings
  • Social signal processing
  • Representations learning for Communicative or Collaborative AI
  • Symbolic and narrative-based representations for human-centric AI
  • Role of Design and Compositionality of AI systems in Interpretable / Collaborative AI

This could be in any field of healthcare. We are particularly interested in research that investigates how AI and humans can work together in this domain over a longer period of time, for instance in lifestyle related support (diabetes, obesities, etc.), mental health (stress, anxiety, etc.), doctor-patient relationships, decision support systems for health care providers, and similar.