Currently, I am involved in the following modules at Delft University of Technology:
- TI1116: Mentorship
- CS4015 Behaviour change support systems (English), recorded lectures
- CS4125 Seminar Research Methodology for Data Science recorded lectures
I was involved in:
- TI2800 Context project (Dutch) recording lectures interaction design
- TI3706 Bachelor Seminar recording lectures
- TI2600 Interaction Design (Dutch) recorded lectures
- IN3620 Multimedia (Dutch) recorded lectures
- IN3630 Mens Computer Interactie (Dutch) recorded lectures
- IN4034 Design of Highly Interactive Systems (English) recorded lectures
- IN4145 Educational Software (English) (open courseware, recorded lectures)
- IN4304 Empirical Research Methods (English) (open courseware, recorded lectures)
- CS4270 Conversational Agents
Online recordings of the Delft lectures are available (including sound and slides).
At Brunel University, I was involved in:
- CS1022B Foundations of Computing
- CS3072B/CS3074B/CS3076B Level 3 Project
- CS5062A Professional Development & Research
- CS2010A Interactive Systems
- CS3025S Information Systems: Strategy and Management