Current PhD Students
PhD students successfully supervised
Delft University of Technology
- Dr Nele Albers (promotor), Psychology-Informed Reinforcement Learning for Situated Virtual Coaching in Smoking Cessation.
- Dr Franziska Burger (promotor), Supporting Electronic Mental Health with Artificial Intelligence: Thought Record Analysis and Guidance.
- Dr Qu Chao (copromotor), Talking with a virtual human: controlling the human experience and behavior in a virtual conversation
- Dr Iris Cohen (copromotor), Improving trainees’ performances while under stress using real-time feedback
- Dr Ding Ding (promotor), Design and evaluation of simulated reflective thoughts in virtual reality exposure training
- Dr Lucy Gunawan (copromotor), Crowdsourced disaster response for effective mapping and wayfinding
- Dr Tjerk de Greef (copromotor), ePartners for dynamic task allocation and coordination
- Dr Dwi Hartanto (copromotor), Computer-Based Social Anxiety Regulation in Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy data sets, analysis scripts, output files of chapters: 2, 3, 4, and 5
- Dr Alex Kayal (copromotor), Normative Social Applications: User-centered Models for Sharing Location in the Family Life Domain
- Dr Yun Ling (copromotor), Presence in virtual reality exposure therapy systems
- Dr Corine H.G. Horsch (copromotor), A virtual sleepcoach for people suffering from insomnia.
- Dr Ni Kang (copromotor), Public speaking in virtual reality. Audience design and speaker experiences.
- Dr Myrthe Tielman (copromotor) A Virtual Agent for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment
- Dr Wenxin Wang (copromotor), Self-management support system for renal transplant patients: Understanding adherence and acceptance
Brunel University London
- Dr Tariq Al-Mutawa (second supervisor), Adoption of internal performance values for measurement of customer satisfaction
- Dr Lamis Hammoud (second supervisor), Factors affecting students’ attitude and performance when using a web-enhanced learning environment
- Dr Nick Fine (first supervisor), Personalising Interaction Using User Interface Skins
- Dr Iftikhar Khan (first supervisor), Towards a mood sensitive integrated development environment to enhance the performance of programmers
- Dr Marije Kanis (first supervisor), Positive expressive technologies for social wellness
Other universities
- Dr Marieke van Meggelen (co-promotor, Erasmus University Rotterdam), A Computer-Based Intervention with Elements of Virtual Reality and Limited Therapist Assistance for the Treatment of PTSD : Efficacy, Acceptance and Future Implications.
Master and Bachelor students successfully mentored at Delft University of Technology
- Repository Master theses
- Repository Bachelor theses