
When writing reactive code that needs to send a new command every cycle, or use fresh sensor data, it can be helpful to synchronize with ALMotion's cycles.

Cycle events

  • preProcess event
  • sensor data is refreshed from memory
  • cartesian data is updated and available
  • interpolation tasks provide their new intentions
  • set and change commands provide their new intentions
  • intentions are executed on the model
  • intentions are sent to the DCM
  • postProcess event
  • sleep

The motion thread uses a real time priority just lower than the DCM, and will try to execute on the anniversary of start up time + CycleNumber * 20ms. Should we fall behind by more than 20ms we will stop trying to catch up, and continue from the present.

Using cycle events

From a NAOqi module, perhaps made with the module generator, you have access to the broker, and can use it to create a connection to Motion's preProcess or postProcess events. This allows to be woken at the beginning or end of each cycle to do some processing: get the current state of the robot, and prepare some commands.

// Your method that will be called void YourModule::motionPreProcessCallback() { // Do something very small every 20ms. // You are in a real time thread, so beware. // If you wish to do heavy processing, you should // raise a signal that is consumed by another thread } void YourModule::subscribeMotionPreProcess() { try { // Register the callback // The specialized proxy does not give access // to the underlying module needed for this binding, // so we get a generic proxy from the parent broker getParentBroker()->getProxy("ALMotion")->getModule()->atPreProcess( boost::bind(&YourModule::motionPreProcessCallback,this)); } catch(const AL::ALError& e) { std::cout << "Motion preProcess callback registration failed" << std::endl; } }

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