
With this function, you can grab regularly an image from NAO. Several parameters are available:

  • the number of seconds between two pictures (e.g. several images per second, one every 10 minutes, one per day, etc.);
  • the picture name, files are located in the user data section on the robot (/home/nao/naoqi/data/vision/ directory) ;
  • overwrite the pictures or add the timestamp to the name of the file;
  • the file format (e.g. jpg, bmp, png);
  • the pictures resolution (e.g. QQVGA).

You can ask up to 8 instances for this function, recording images at different time intervals and different format for different use.


As long as an instance is running, its call will not return. To stop a specific instance, call the stopTPR function by providing it the path and the root of the name corresponding to this instance, as well as the file format, both elements describing a unique instance.

Finally, if you want to remember the different instances running currently, call the logTPRInstanceInfo function. It will print this information in the logger.

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