Unzip the Telepathe's package wherever you want then you have two options: you can either compile Telepathe or directly run it.
- If you want to compile it, you will need to install Qt4. You can download the open source version here or use apt-get on Linux, or Darwin Port on Mac OSX.
- If you want to run it, use the script on Linux, the package on Mac OSX, and telepathe.exe on Windows. They can all be found in Telepathe's folder. On Windows, please install "patch/vcredist_x86.exe" before use, otherwise the program will not be able to run.
To compile it, use the SDK:
rbarre@localhost ~/telepathe/ $ cd sdk rbarre@localhost ~/telepathe/sdk/ $ mkdir build rbarre@localhost ~/telepathe/sdk/build $ cd build rbarre@localhost ~/telepathe/sdk/build $ cmake .. rbarre@localhost ~/telepathe/sdk/build $ make
A buildconfig.cmake will be generated in Telepathe's SDK folder. You can easily modify it to choose which plugin you want to build along Telepathe (just uncomment the SUBDIRS line that matches your plugin). For instance:
rbarre@localhost ~/telepathe/sdk/build $ vi ../buildconfig.cmake
And uncomment the line with SUBDIRS (plugins/sample):
SUBDIRS( plugins/sample )
If you have added a plugin, and want it to appear in the buildconfig file, just delete the buildconfig file and restart a "cmake ..". After compilation, here you are, with a nice executable in telepathe/sdk/output that has overwritten the one provided in the package.
To execute your version (or the one compiled by Aldebaran), just go to the output folder:
rbarre@localhost ~/telepathe/sdk/build $ cd ../output/ rbarre@localhost ~/telepathe/sdk/output $ ./Telepathe
The plugins provided by Aldebaran can be found in telepathe/plugins on XP and Linux, and in the Telepathe's package on Mac (