Starting the detection
To start the naomark detection function, use a ALLandMarkDetection proxy to subscribe to ALLandMarkDetection. In Python, the code for this subscription is:
from naoqi import ALProxy IP = "your_robot_ip" PORT = 9559 # Create a proxy to ALLandMarkDetection markProxy = ALproxy("ALLandMarkDetection", IP, PORT) # Subscribe to the ALLandMarkDetection extractor period = 500 markProxy.subscribe("Test_Mark", period, 0.0 )
The "period" parameter specifies - in milliseconds - how often ALLandMarkDetection tries to run its detection method and outputs the result in an ALMemory output variable called "LandmarkDetected". The next section explains this point further. Once at least one subscription to the ALLandMarkDetection module is made, ALLandMarkDetection starts to run.