
This page explains how to use the Naomark detection Module (identifier: ALLandMarkDetection). Please refer to the framework page to get general information on modules.

The ALLandMarkDetection module is a vision module, in which NAO will recognize special landmarks with specific patterns on them. We call those landmarks 'Naomarks'. You can find them on the CD in the folder Media (Naomark.pdf). They consist of black circles with white triangle fans centered at the circle's center. The specific location of the different triangle fans is used to distinguish one Naomark from the others.

A set of marks, with their identifiers

You can use the ALLandMarkDetection module for various applications. For example, you can place those landmarks at different locations in NAO's field of action. Depending on which landmark NAO detects, you can get some information on NAO's location. Coupled with other sensor information, it can help you build a more robust localization module.

The next section explains how to activate Naomark detection in Telepathe. Then, we give a description of ALLandMarkDetection module and present an example written in Python that shows how you can write your own functions that use ALLandMarkDetection.

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