API Docs for:

TUDelft.Gamygdala.Belief Class

Defined in: Gamygdala.js:882

This class is a data structure to store one Belief for an agent A belief is created and fed into a Gamygdala instance (method Gamygdala.appraise()) for evaluation



  • likelihood
  • causalAgentName
  • affectedGoalNames
  • goalCongruences
  • [isIncremental]

Defined in Gamygdala.js:882


  • likelihood Double

    The likelihood of this belief to be true.

  • causalAgentName String

    The agent's name of the causal agent of this belief.

  • affectedGoalNames String

    An array of affected goals' names.

  • goalCongruences Double

    An array of the affected goals' congruences (i.e., the extend to which this event is good or bad for a goal [-1,1]).

  • [isIncremental] Boolean optional

    Incremental evidence enforces gamygdala to see this event as incremental evidence for (or against) the list of goals provided, i.e, it will add or subtract this belief's likelihood*congruence from the goal likelihood instead of using the belief as "state" defining the absolute likelihood

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