

Programme: (9.00 – 18.00)

9:00   Coffee and welcome
9:15   Invited speaker: Sylvain Calinon
10:00 Flash talks: abstracts 1,3-6
10:30 Invited speaker: Frans Oliehoek
11:15 Coffee and poster session 1
12:00 Lunch

13:00 Invited speaker: Guszti Eiben
13:45 Flash talks: abstracts 2,7-11
14:30 Invited speaker: Sven Behnke
15:15 Coffee and poster session 2
15:55 Wrap-up for discussion topics
16:00 Discussion session 1 (possibly 2 parallel sessions on two different topics)
16:45 Discussion session 2 (possibly 2 parallel sessions on two different topics)
17:30 Closing and reception

19:00 Dinner (optional, at own cost)
Restaurant: 't Postkantoor, in Delft city centre, walking distance from both the workshop venue and the Delft train station


List of Abstracts

1Turing Learning with Nash Memory. Shuai Wang.
2Integrating State Representation Learning into Deep Reinforcement Learning. Tim de Bruin.
3Efficient Exploration with Deep Uncertain Value Networks. Thomas Moerland.
4Towards Safer Learning in the Real World. Ivan Koryakovskiy, Heike Vallery and Robert Babuška.
5Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Robots in POMDPs with Option-Observation Initiation Sets. Denis Steckelmacher, Hélène Plisnier, Diederik M. Roijers and Ann Nowé.
6Benchmarking Recurrent Networks for Robust Continuous Control. Matthijs Snel.
7Learning Robots to Rescue. Arnoud Visser.
8A dataset bias problem for learning-RRT, with two potential solutions. Wouter Wolfslag and Mukunda Bharatheesha, Thomas Moerland.
9Motion control as a result of prediction error minimization. Martijn Wisse.
10. RoboTeam Twente. Ewoud Croll.
11. Social Learning in the DREAM Project. Julien Hubert, Jacqueline Heinerman, Evert Haasdijk and Guszti Eiben.


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