Since 2017, BNVKI collaborates with the Netherlands Platform for ICT Research (http://www.ictonderzoek.net/). On the initiative of the BNVKI board, a Special Interest Group on AI has been created, consisting of researchers from each of the 12 IPN institutes, which are representative for the AI community in the Netherlands. Having the status of a special member of IPN, the main objective of the SIG is to help shape the national research agenda on Artificial Intelligence in the Netherlands. This is done by creating an overview of the Dutch research groups and companies that are active within the field, formulating a vision on future developments, and communicating with national scientific and governmental organizations.
Information about AI study programmes in The Netherlands can be found on the KION website.
CIL Doctoral School
CIL or Computational Intelligence and Learning is a graduate school organised with support of the Fondation de Recherche Scientifique (F.N.R.S.-F.R.S ) of the Walloon-Brussels Federation in Belgium. The focus of this school is on computational intelligence and learning, which concerns disciplines and concepts such as machine learning, artificial neural networks, data mining, fuzzy logic, evolutionary computation and probabilistic techniques.
SIKS (www.siks.nl) is the Netherlands Research School for Information and Knowledge Systems, founded in 1996 by researchers in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Databases & Information Systems and Software Engineering. SIKS was successively accredited by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) in 1998, 2003 and 2009. SIKS has been collaborating with BNVKI since many years, among others by disseminating information via the BNVKI newsletter, by organizing joint events, and by sponsoring the annual BNAIC conference.
BNVKI is a member of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence. A practical advantage for BNVKI members is that they get a significant discount when registering for the bi-annual European Conference on AI (ECAI).