Session 1
(5 papers, 90 minutes, 9:00am - 10:30am,)07 - Filling Knowledge Gaps with Open Knowledge for Autonomous Robots
11 - Allocating Training Instances to Learning Agents that Improve Coordination for Team Formation
16 - Evaluating auction-based task allocation in multi-robot teams
15 - Learning a policy for collision avoidance by mining interactive multi-robot games
17 - Teacher-Student Framework : a Reinforcement Learning Approach
Session 2
(5 papers, 90 minutes, 11:00am - 12:30pm)01 - Safest Path Adversarial Coverage
06 - Intersection Management with Constraint-Based Reservation Systems
10 - Safe Travels: Optimizing Survivability of Multi-Robot Formation in Adversarial Environments
12 - Distributed On-Line Coordination for Multi-Robot Patrolling
13 - SCRAM: Scalable Collision-avoiding Role Assignment with Minimal-makespan for Formational Positioning
Session 3
(5 papers, 90 minutes, 14:00 - 15:30pm)02 - Low Cost Activity Recognition Using Depth Cameras and Context Dependent Spatial Regions
21 - Model-Instance Object Mapping
20 - Cooperating with Unknown Teammates in Robot Soccer
14 - The RoboCup 2013 Drop-In Player Challenges: A Testbed for Ad Hoc Teamwork
22 - Issues with Methods for Scoring Competitors in RoboCup Rescue
Session 4
(5 papers, 90 minutes, 4:00pm - 5:30pm)03 - An Effective User-Guided Interface For Robot Search
05 - Balancing predicted mission cost and social costs by mobile robots navigating a crowd
08 - Mood Effects of a Robotic Teacher on Students: Bodily Mood Expression Makes a Difference in the Classroom
09 - Expert-Novice Differences in Human-Robot Interaction
19 - Attentive Monitoring for Team Coordination: a Human-Robot Convoy Example
Panel 5:30pm-6:00pm, together with MSDM workshop.
Title: "How can robotics research and MSDM research inform and guide each other?"
Important dates
Paper submission deadline
February 15, 2014
Notification of acceptance
March 7, 2014
Camera-ready submission
March 12, 2014
ARMS workshop
May 5th or 6th, 2014

Submit your paper here