08:45 | Opening |
08:55 | Collision avoidance, path planning, and vision |
Papers | |
Daniel Hennes, Daniel Claes and Karl Tuyls | Evolutionary Advantage of Reciprocity in Collision Avoidance |
Jamie Snape and Dinesh Manocha | Goal Velocity Obstacles for Spatial Navigation of Multiple Autonomous Robots or Virtual Agents |
Michal Cáp, Peter Novák, Jiri Vokrinek and Michal Pechoucek | Multi-agent mpling-based Cooperative Pathfinding |
Tarek El-Gaaly, Christopher Tomaszewski, Abhinav Valada, Prasanna Velagapudi, Balajee Kannan and Paul Scerri | Visual Obstacle Avoidance for Autonomous Watercraft using Smartphones |
Xiang Li, Mohan Sridharan and Catie Meador | Learning Object Models on a Robot using Visual Context and Appearance Cues |
10:45 | Coffee break |
11:05 | Software engineering and reliability |
Papers | |
Sagar Chaki, John Dolan and Joseph Giampapa | Toward a Quantitative Method for Assuring Coordinated Autonomy |
A. Tuna Ozgelen, Eric Schneider, Elizabeth Sklar, Michael Costantino, Susan Epstein and Simon Parsons | A first step towards testing multiagent coordination mechanisms on multirobot teams |
Damian Lyons, Ronald Arkin, Paramesh Nirmal, Shu Jiang and Tsung-Ming Liu | Performance Verification for Behavior-based Robot Missions |
Gal Kaminka | On the Use of Teamwork Software for Multi-Robot Formation Control |
12:25 | Lunch |
13:25 | Multi-robot tasks and planning |
Papers | |
Ayush Dewan, Aravindh Mahendran, Nikhil Soni and Madhava Krishna | Optimization Based Coordinated UGV-MAV Exploration for 2D Augmented Mapping |
Elizabeth Jensen and Maria Gini | Rolling Dispersion for Robot Teams |
Stefan Witwicki, Francisco Melo, Jesus Capitan Fernaˇndez, Matthijs Spaa and Jose Carlos Castillo Montoya | Robot Planning under Uncertainty with Unpredictable Events |
Efrat Sless, Noa Agmon and Sarit Kraus | Multi-Robot Adversarial Patrolling: Facing Coordinated Attacks |
Brian Coltin and Manuela Veloso | Towards Replanning for Mobile Service Robots with Shared Information |
15:05 | Coffee break |
15:35 | Hri, swarms and modular robotics |
Papers | |
M. Q. Azhar, Eric Schneider, Jordan Salvit, Holly Wall and Elizabeth Sklar | Evaluation of an argumentation-based dialogue system for human-robot collaboration |
Bennie Lewis, Bulent Tastan and Gita Sukthankar | Adapting to Expert-Novice Differences in Human-Robot Interaction |
Jean Oh, Arne Suppe, Anthony Stentz and Martial Hebert | Enhancing robot perception using the eyes of human teammates |
Ayan Dutta, Prithviraj Dasgupta, Jose Baca and Carl Nelson | A Fast Coalition Structure Search Algorithm for Modular Robot Reconfiguration Planning under Uncertainty |
Katie Genter, Noa Agmon and Peter Stone | Improving Efficiency of Leading a Flock in Ad Hoc Teamwork Settings |
Atil Iscen, Adrian Agogino, Vytas Sunspiral and Kagan Tumer | Robust Distributed Control of Rolling Tensegrity Robot |
17:55 | End |
Important dates
Paper submission deadline
February 9, 2013
Notification of acceptance
February 27, 2013
Camera-ready submission
March 8, 2013
ARMS workshop
May 7, 2013

Submit your paper here