Thesis of W.Pasman

Enhancing x-ray baggage inspection by interactive viewpoint selection

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Propositions (pdf)
Titlepage (pdf)1
Contents (pdf)4
1. Introduction (pdf)9
2. Information and task performance (pdf)17
3. Shooting multiple x-ray images efficiently (pdf)37
4. Detecting sharp objects (pdf)61
5. Detecting connected objects. (pdf)75
6. Following a wire through a knot (pdf)95
7. Bump height matching (pdf)107
8. 'Real' baggage inspection (pdf)131
9. Implications of the findings (pdf)141
Appendix A. Stereo test (pdf)155
Bibliography (pdf)157
Summary (pdf)167
Samenvatting (Dutch summary) (pdf)171
Acknowledgements (pdf)174
Illustration acknowledgements (pdf)175
Curriculum vitae (pdf)176
Index (pdf)177