Time: Monday 15 April 2019
Expected number of participants: 30
(STEM : Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/STEM)
Morning 10:00 – 12:15
10.00-10:15 Workshop introduction, potential topics:
- Goal of the workshop
- Overview IPN survey Informatica and Ethics at Dutch Universities
10:15 – 11:00 Introduction round whereby each STEM Research Ethics Committee briefly discusses:
- Their procedures / protocol
- Special attention because contextual setting of the specific committee
- Their review of the common case study
Coffee/Thee break 11:00-11:15
11:15 – 12: 15 Special case studies brought in by each individual committee to show their challenges and solutions
Lunch 12:15 – 13:00
Afternoon 13:00 – 16:00
13:00-14:00 Iris Muis, Utrecht Data School:
Data Ethics Decision Aid
DEDA helps users to recognize ethical issues in data projects, data management and data policies. Developed in close cooperation with data analysts from the City of Utrecht, DEDA is a tool-kit facilitating initial brainstorming sessions to map ethical issues in data projects, documenting the deliberation process and furthering accountability towards the various stakeholders and the public.
14:00 – 15:00 Prof. Christian Olivers (VU), chair Social and Behavioral Science ethics committee (http://nethics.nl/):
Ethics Review in the Social and Behavioural Sciences
The ethics of conducting research on humans has been part and parcel of the social and behavioural sciences for decades. However, although the underlying principles have proven stable, the practical application and implementation of ethics assessment has proven variable, with different procedures depending on specific subfields, committees, Zeitgeist, and law. I will present on the recent efforts to both harmonize and strengthen ethics assessment across the Netherlands, on both new and ever-returning challenges, and on tips for practical implementation.
15:00-16:00 Prof.dr. Martine C. de Vries (LUMC), vice-chair METC LUMC, potential topics:
- What research require METC review what could be reviewed by other ethics committees
- Ethics review of bachelor and master research
- New and important issues and developments
16:00-17:00 Brainstorming about collaboration between committees
17:00 Drinks