Available Thesis Projects

Available Thesis Projects

Collaboration at a distance

Projects related to the GOAL Agent Programming Language
There are many possible projects that can be done for a MSc Thesis project that involve GOAL: extending the language with e.g. planning or learning capabilities, adding teamwork support to GOAL, connecting GOAL to challenging environments such as gaming environments, programming robots, improving the development environment, etc.

Projects on the Nao Robots

Related to the Pocket Negotiator Project:
For the following three projects please contact Alina Pommeranz (a.pommeranz@tudelft.nl)

General introduction

Within the area of health and care we are currently dealing with challenges such as ageing populations and an increase in chronic diseases due to unhealthy lifestyles. This leads to higher care demands that will soon no longer be met by the current healthcare system. Changes in lifestyle and support structures for care need to be established and can be supported by smart technology. To design and implement this technology we need you!

Check out the current project topic(s) in this area:

ConnectedCare smartTV interface (Masterstudent project)

TU Delft participates in the development of a smartTV platform (www.careathome-project.eu) targeted at senior users. The platform combines several applications that allow the senior to communicate, coordinate care, and to access the internet. As part of the platform, TU Delft wants to integrate existing web services in the new platform. This student project focuses on the ConnectedCare service.

ConnectedCare (CC) (www.connectedcare.nl) is a collaboration platform for seniors, family caregivers and professional caregivers. Providing care for older family members can be a demanding task. Family caregivers often combine care activities with a job, family responsibilities and a social life. Using CC they can access the care network using existing communication devices including a mobile phone and a personal computer. When on the road, they can quickly check the status and care needs using a mobile device at any time. The care-website provides a logbook function to track care activities, and a calendar to coordinate care tasks with other caregivers. In order to better enable senior users to participate in CC, we want to develop a smartTV interface for the CC platform.

We are looking for a student who can (1) explore how seniors would like to participate in CC through a smartTV interface, (2) develop a design concept as well as prototypes for the smartTV application targeted at senior users, and (3) evaluate the prototypes in studies with seniors.

Your competences/interests: User-centered Design, Interaction Design, Usability studies.

Intelligent Warning System within a Smart Home setting: Detecting Threats to the Well-Being of Senior Citizens based on Sensor Data (Masterstudent project)

TU Delft participates in the development of a smartTV platform (www.careathome-project.eu) targeted at senior users. The platform combines several applications that allow the senior to communicate, coordinate care, and to access the Internet. As part of the platform, TU Delft wants to integrate existing web services in the new platform. This student project focuses on the Rally Round with Sensor service.
The Rally Round with Sensor (RRwS) is a warning system for possible threats to the senior’s well-being and home. RRwS consists of intelligent components that are able to collect context information about the user, his/her activities and his/her home environment and to analyze and predict the senior well-being and home situation using inputs from sensors. It also has a set of intelligent reporting components that are able to send notification messages to the senior and his/her families/caregivers depending on their current context situations, e.g. profile, location, activity, communication modalities, etc. The reporting includes preliminary analysis of the detected threat or the incident and of its cause. The seniors can receive the notifications on their SmartTV, while the families receive them on their smartphones. Complete daily reports of the senior’s well-being and home situation can also be retrieved using a desktop/laptop.
Previous work has been done by a UK company in the field of e-health, in developing a GSM-based warning system that is able to receive input from alarm-based sensors and to send notification messages to the users using SMSs. TU Delft also has done some preliminary work on modeling ontology-based knowledge about users, their activities and their home environment.
Your task will be to develop the intelligent system that interprets the observations of the sensor system using world knowledge encoded in the knowledge model to activate the right reporting components.
The steps in the project include: (1) gather and analyze user-requirements and -tasks, (2) evaluate and re-develop the current knowledge model, (3) develop the intelligent components of the warning system using the knowledge model and the sensor data, (4) combine the intelligent components and the GSM-based warning system and (5) evaluate the RRwS service involving end-users in their homes. You will do this in collaboration with the UK-based company.
Your competences/interests: Computational Modeling, Artificial Intelligence, Web-based Software Engineering.

Other topics:
Designing an Observability interface
Adaptive Interface Support
Dataprocessing&dynamic allocation
Saliency Maps Model
Saliency Maps Experiment
Genre Quality Optimisation
Emotion Technology against Cyberbullying
JNDs of black & white level
JNDs of colour rendering
Multimodal Emotion Recognition