Governing Governance: A Formal Framework for Analysing Institutional Design and Enactment Governance

Promotie Thomas C. King: Governing Governance: A Formal Framework for Analysing Institutional Design and Enactment Governance
Datum: 27 oktober 2016
Tijd: 10.00 uur
Lokatie: Senaatszaal, Aula TU Delft.
Promotor: Prof. dr. Catholijn M. Jonker
Co-promotor: Dr. M. Virginia Dignum
Co-promotor: Dr. M. Birna van Riemsdijk
Institutions are social artefacts that guide and regulate the behavior of societal participants. Examples of institutions include laws and contracts, but they can also be sets of unwritten rules, such as promises or social conventions. Much work has looked at institutions governing societies. My thesis looks at institutions from another perspective - namely, the regulations placed on institution designers that guide how institutions should be designed and when changes to institutions can be enacted. My thesis contributes a formal and mathematically rigorous account of constraints placed on institutional design and enactment, and automated reasoning to support institution designers.