Past Events
Past Events
Thesis Defense Ni Kang: Public speaking in virtual reality. Audience design and speaker experiences
Date: 2 november 2016
Time: 12.30 PM
Venue: Aula TU Delft
promotor: Prof.dr. M.A. Neerincx
copromotor: W.P. Brinkman
copromotor: Dr. M.B. van Riemsdijk
Thesis Defense Christian A. Detweiler: Accounting for Values in Design
Date: 28 october 2016
Time: 12.30 PM
Venue: Aula TU Delft
promotor: Prof.dr. C.M. Jonker
copromotor: Prof.dr. M.J. van den Hoven
copromotor: Dr. K.V. Hindriks
Thesis Defense Thomas C. King: Governing Governance: A Formal Framework for Analysing Institutional Design and Enactment Governance
Date: 27 october 2016
Time: 10 AM
Venue: Aula TU Delft
promotor: Prof.dr. C.M. Jonker
copromotor: Dr. M.V. Dignum
copromotor: Dr. M.B. van Riemsdijk
Diabetes camp: "Robots & Helden"
Date: 18-21th October, 2016
Venue: Ommen, the Netherlands
TU Delft co-organised the diabetes camp called ‘Robots & Helden’ (which is Dutch for: ‘Robots & Heroes’). In this camp, children with diabetes between the age of 8-11 years old come together under the supervision of volunteers and caregivers. Besides fun outdoor activities for the children, companies in the PAL project organised activities with NAO robots. From these activities, we gather scientific information on building support software that helps these children to cope with their disease.
IVA2016 Workshop: Graphical and Robotic Embodied Agents for Therapeutic Systems - GREATS16
Date: 20 Sept 2016
Venue: Institute for Creative Technologies, USC, Los Angeles
Social robots and intelligent graphical agents have both been applied to a growing number of health applications. While looking at health applications in general, this workshop seeks to focus on those aimed at diagnosis and treatment of specific conditions, i.e therapeutic applications, and training for doctors in these fields.
Workshop on Ethics in the Design of Intelligent Agents
Date: 29-30 August 2016
Venue: ECAI 2016, The Hague
Intelligent agents increasingly decide, act and interact with humans and agents in shared and dynamic environments. Search engines, self-driving cars, electronic markets, smart homes, military technology, software for big data analysis, and care robots are just a few examples. As the scope of intelligent agents’ activities broadens, it is important to ensure that such socio-technical systems will not make irrelevant, counter-productive, or even dangerous decisions. This workshop focuses on two main questions: (1) what kind of formal organizations, norms, policy models, and logical frameworks can be proposed to deal with the control of agents’ autonomous behaviors in a moral way?; and (2) what does it mean to be responsible designers of intelligent agents?
Date: July 18 2016
Venue: DesignLab UT Enschede
We are pleased to announce that our group has submitted a project proposal for the eNTERFACE ’16 - which this year will be hosted by the 3TU.H&T research center -, and it has been accepted. We look forward to collaborate with our freshly recruited team members on the development of innovative and intelligent user interfaces for elderly people.
3TU.H&T Symposium on Supportive Technology for People with Dementia
Date: June 22 2016
Venue: De Nonnerie, Maarssen
On Wednesday, 22nd June 2016, the II group, in collaboration with the 3TU.H&T Research Center, organises a symposium on the topic “Promoting the Quality of Life for People with Dementia and their Caregivers: A collaborative effort between patients, care professionals, researchers, and technicians”. The event will take place in ‘de Nonnerie’ in Maarssen.
3TU.H&T Workshop on Human-Agent Experience Sharing
Date: May 26 2016
Time: 10:00 - 17:00
Venue: Faculty of EEMCS, TU Delft
On May 26, the II group, in collaboration with the 3TU.Humans&Technology research center, organises a workshop on Human-Agent Experience Sharing: Supportive Technology through Situational and Personal Understanding. During the workshop, attendees will collaboratively define challenges and generate potential project proposals centered around topics related to human-agent experience sharing. This workshop will have a specific focus on applications in the domains of (A) security and safety, and (B) health. Interested in participating in this event? Please register by following this link
Lorentz center workshop on emotions as feedback signals
Date: 18-22 april 2016
Venue: Leiden
This workshop brings together neuroscientists, computer scientists, and psychologists working in the fields of emotion, development, and learning. The workshop investigates how (and if) emotion can be conceptualized as a feedback signal, in the context of learning novel behavior, or adapting existing behavior. Key questions are how is emotion grounded in adaptive behavior and development, and, how can emotion be used as an influencing factor on perception-action loops, and hence on behavior. For more info see:
Intelligent Virtual Agents 2015
Date: August 2015
Venue: Delft
Intelligent virtual agents (IVAs) are interactive characters that exhibit human-like qualities and communicate with humans or with each other using natural human modalities such as facial expressions, speech and gesture. They are capable of real-time perception, cognition and action that allows them to participate in dynamic social environments.
The European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2010 (ECCE2010)
Date: 25-27 August 2010
Venue: Delft
ECCE 2010 was the 28th annual conference of the European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics. It has a long-standing history and is one of the first conferences in the area of cognitive ergonomics, human technology interaction and cognitive engineering.