The Artificial-Social-Agent Questionnaire (ASAQ)

A validated standardised measurement instrument for evaluating human interaction with an artificial social agent (ASA), resulted from multi-year efforts involving more than 100 ASA researchers worldwide. The long version of the ASAQ is suitable for a comprehensive evaluation of human-ASA interaction, while the short version allows quick analysis and description of the interaction with the ASA. It is also supported with an ASA chart for reporting ASA questionnaire results and a quick overview of agent profile.

What does it measure?


Does the ASA resemble human or a nature being? Is it suitable for its role?


Does the ASA easy to use? easy to learn?


Does the ASA do its task?


Does the user like the ASA? Is it pleasing?


 Can the ASA easily interact with the user socially?

Personality Presence

Does the ASA have a distinctive character?

User Acceptance

Does the user intent to interact the ASA again in the future?


Does the user enjoy interacting with the ASA? 

User Engagement

Did the interaction capture the user's attention? 

User Trust

Does the ASA always give good advice? Is it trustworthy and reliable?

User-Agent Alliance

Do the ASA and the user have a strategic alliance?


Is the ASA attentive? 


Does the ASA's behavior make sense? 


Does the ASA have a clue of what it is doing?

User Attitude

Does the user see the interaction with the ASA as something positive?

Social Presence

 Does the ASA have a social presence?

Impact on Self Image

Would others (who are close to the user) encourage the user to use the ASA? 

Emotional Experience

Can the ASA express its emotion? Are the user's emotions caused by the ASA? 

User-Agent Interplay

Do the ASA's and the user's emotions effect each other?



The long version of the Artificial-Social-Agent Questionnaire as pdf ASAQ full


The short version of the Artificial-Social-Agent Questionnaire as pdf ASAQ short


Generates an ASA-Chart for a single ASA or comparing two ASAs ASA Chart Generator


Describes how to use the ASAQ in an experiment and how to analyse the results

Normative Dataset

Data of 14 different ASAs from previous experiments involving 532 participants
ASAQ Normative Dataset - 14 ASAs

Cite: Fitrianie, S., Bruijnes, M., Li,F., Abdulrahman, A., and Brinkman, W. P-., 2022. The artificial-social-agent questionnaire: establishing the long and short questionnaire versions. In Proc. of the 22nd ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA '22). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 18, 1–8.

Recent publications of the ASAQ

  • Fengxiang Li, Siska Fitrianie, Merijn Bruijnes, Amal Abdulrahman, Fu Guo, and Willem-Paul Brinkman. 2023. Mandarin Chinese translation of the Artificial-Social-Agent questionnaire instrument for evaluating human-agent interaction. Frontiers in Computer Science, Sec. Human-Media Interaction, Volume 5
  • Siska Fitrianie, Merijn Bruijnes, Fengxiang Li, Amal Abdulrahman, and Willem-Paul Brinkman. 2022. The artificial-social-agent questionnaire: establishing the long and short questionnaire versions. In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA '22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 18, 1–8.
  • Siska Fitrianie, Merijn Bruijnes, Fengxiang Li, Amal Abdulrahman, and Willem-Paul Brinkman. 2022. Artificial Social Agent Questionnaire Instrument. (2022). 4TU.ResearchData.
  • Siska Fitrianie, Merijn Bruijnes, Fengxiang Li, Amal Abdulrahman, and Willem-Paul Brinkman. 2022. Data and analysis underlying the research into the Artificial-Social-Agent Questionnaire: Establishing the long and short questionnaire versions. (2022). 4TU.ResearchData.

See more publications and related data ...

Available Languages

ASAQ English English
 Authors: Fitrianie, Bruijnes, Abdulrahman, Li, and Brinkman

ASAQ Chinese Mandarin Chinese
 Authors: Li, Fitrianie, Bruijnes, Abdulrahman, Guo, and Brinkman

ASAQ Dutch Dutch
 Authors: Albers, Bönsch, Ehret, Khodakov, and Brinkman

ASAQ German German
 Authors: Albers, Bönsch, Ehret, Khodakov, and Brinkman



Interested in developing a new language version? Please e-mail us