VRET Contact
Where to Find Us
- Delft University of Technology (TU-Delft)
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science (EEMCS)
- Man-Machine Interaction Group
Correspondence address:
- P.O. Box 5031,
- 2600 GA, Delft, The Netherlands
- T +31 (0) 15 2784145
- F +31 (0) 15 2787141
Visiting address:
- Delft University of Technology, Faculty of EEMCS
- Mekelweg 4
- 2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands
The offices and laboratories of the personnel and students of the Man-Machine Interaction Group are located on the 10th and 12th floor of the EEMCS building.
Visitors Information
Please visit the faculty visitors page for information on how to reach us.
We are always looking for motivated (BSc and MSc) students who are interested in developing or conducting research in the area of VR systems to support in the treatment or assessment of phobias.
If you are interested please contact: Willem-Paul Brinkman (w.p.brinkman at
Although we often can provide hardware and software facilities, we are unable to provide direct financial support for students including travel cost.