Wiki About

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Revision as of 11:09, 11 June 2009 by Niels (talk | contribs) (Personal Profile)
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Public / Private

This wiki is divided into a public and private part. The public part is accessible to everyone and editable by all registered users. The public area of the wiki consist out of all pages accessible by the main and projects menu’s and its subpages. The private part is only accessible by registered users and can be edited by those users. The private part consist out of all pages accessible by the members menu and all its subpages.

Editing Public

Editing the public pages should only be done when authorized, of course spellings errors or small visual errors may be correct freely. You may add your project to the project pages in the project menu subpages, also the user page of your account may be altered freely see the section about Personal profile for the information we would like to see on that page.

Adding new pages to the public section is impossible you may create and then link to these pages from existing public pages but no unregistered user will be able to access them. A page can be made public on request to the wiki-master.

Editing Private

In the private part of the wiki you may edit and create pages freely but don’t alter the general layout of the wiki and respect others work. Try to stick to the spirit of this wiki on new page creations and page structure and try to add information to a existing page if appropriate instead of creating a new page for every little thing.

Personal Profile

In the personal profile page (click on your account name in the right upper-corner of the wiki) we would like to see these points:

  1. Full name
  2. Photo of you
  3. Project area you work on (see ‘’Projects’’)
  4. Some information about your personal project

This pages is not public so inaccessible for anyone that not logged in

File Upload

The file upload function is enabled for all registered users but limited by certain extensions. You can request allowing new extensions by contacting the wiki-master. When uploading files such as images for use in the wiki take into account the file size of the image in general keep an image size around 100KB. When uploading other material for use on the wiki try to keep the size reasonable or ask if a uploading a certain file is aloud.

Only upload material you want to share with everyone on this wiki (registered users) for all other file exchange purposes use a different platform.

Inserting Literature

On the main Projects page you find links to "add papers" and "Bibliography" the "add papers" page allows you to add new papers to the bibliography to be able to do this you need to login this is a separate login from the wiki but the same on creation of your account. Changing the password of the wiki won't change it for the bibliography and the other way around.

When adding papers to the bibliography you need to take into account that you put the category too Vret so that they also become visible in the "Bibliography" section.

You can link to a paper from the bibliography in to ways. Both uses the url from the adress bar when you look at the paper.

  1. Use the url as normal link [Url Link text]
  2. Place the url between the {anyweb} {/anyweb>} (change { } for < >) tags

Example: paper url:

The Anatomy of A.L.I.C.E.



Inserting Movies

This wiki can handle youtube movies in a limited way by abusing the {anyweb}{/anyweb} tag. Every youtube movie comes with a embedding script (on the right side of the movie).


<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

The bold part of this script can be used to insert the movie into the wiki by placing it between the anyweb-tags

Special youtube account:

  • username: MMIGroep
  • pass: mmigroep-vret_oud

Wiki Organization

Wiki-Master: Niels ter Heijden

Web-Master: Bart Vastenhouw