VRET Vizard

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Getting Started

Vizard has a very nice tutorial and help file that is also available online on the Vizard website. It explains the basics of Vizard and also if needed the basics of Python the language used to control Vizard.


Vizard comes with a few build in object like avatars and a duck but you most likely want to add your own objects too your program. To avoid having to use absolute paths you can add your directory to the path list of Vizard so that you can reffere to the object directly.

viz.res.addPath(<'directory') example: viz.res.addPath('G:\Vizard projects')

you can also reffere to the directory where the main (running) .py file is located by adding the line


You can also reffere to objects in subdirectory's of the path directory's you added. example:



With just a few lines of code Vizard can easily work with an HMD. All you need to add/replace from your code to get a image on the HMD are:

viz.displaymode(800,600,32,60) <viz.displaymode(width-screen,heigh-screen,color depth,refresh rate)>
viz.go(viz.QUAD_BUFFER |viz.FULLSCREEN) <replace the viz.go() with this>




To get Vizard to accept input from the eMagin tracker (integrated in the HMD) you need to add the tracker as a sensor in Vizard and then link the sensor to the mainView-point

sensor = viztracker.add('emagin.dls')

Don't forget to disable the eMagin mouse drivers if these are enabled in the "Control Panel>System>Hardware>Device Manager" list

Also make sure that the utility program of eMagin isn't running because only one program is aloud to access the tracker


We got a year payed Vizard support that can be used when you run into problems. There is a public Vizard forum where you can post your problems but if you ain't getting the required answer there a ticket can be opened on the closed Vizard support section. The ticket has to be opened by Wouter Pasman but after that can be replied by and seen by anyone having the correct url.