Literature Assignment
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Hints and Tips
You can freely download Endnote X1 from blackboard software section and use it on the TU or at home. With endnote you can search your papers on keywords and insert refferences in word with two simple mouse clicks. The generated refference list in words will be organizedand maintained by endnote also changes in style can be done with a few simple mouse clicks. Endnote comes with a huge database of predefined styles such as the IEEE Procedings style.
Exporting papers from Endnote to Latex can be done with a special Latex export style available in Endnote. There is no automated technique that links Endnote with Latex.
Literature Search
International Conference Series on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies
- Archive with all papers of the conferences hold over the years
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice
- General papers about disabilities and phobias
- All kinds of papers about Psychology and computer related topics.