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First article on VRET results in Dutch clinic

October 30, 2008

Wiersma, J, Greeven, A., Berretty, E., Krijn, M en Emmelkamp, P. (2008). De effectiviteit van Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy voor hoogtevrees in de klinische praktijk. Gedragstherapie, 41, p. 253-259. (in Dutch)-- Look under Publications on this site.

Summary in English. The effectiveness of Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET) for patients with acrophobia in clinical practice. The effectiveness of Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET) for patients with acrophobia has been shown in several academic settings. However, it is not clear if these results can be translated to the daily clinical practice. This article describes the effectiveness of VRET of acrophobia in a centre for anxiety disorders. Thirty-two patients participated in the study. At post-treatment there was a significant reduction of acrophobia and avoidance and participants gained significantly more self-efficacy and a more positive attitude towards heights. The effect sizes were high and comparable to those found in academic settings. It can be concluded that the effectiveness of VRET in academic settings can be translated to clinical practice. In short, VRET is a promising, and time-limited treatment for acrophobia. Key words: Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy, acrophobia, clinical practice

Interesting Blog about our project

September 17, 2008

Eliane Alhadeff published an interesting blog about our project. She made a very good op-to-date summary of current and future research on VRET in Delft. Here is the link.

New Video Tutorial available

July 8, 2008

Two Delft students produced a new video tutorial about the use of our DVRET system for fear of flying. The focus is to explain the operational procedures of the VRET software to non-technical therapists. First, a general description is given of the DVRET system. Then, the main functionality, which is exposed by the graphic user interface of the VRET software, be discussed in a short session. This is followed by a schematic description of all the operational tasks, such as takeoff and landing of the airplane, which could be performed with a therapeutic session. Lastly, a few of these tasks will be described in more detail. Two video's are part of of the tutorial. Text on screen is in English, all voice overs are in Dutch.

Our project in QUEST

June 16, 2008

In the Dutch popular science journal Quest an article is published on fear of flying. The title is "Ontspannen Op Reis". Issue of Quest 07/2008 pp. 52-55. The work of our partner VALK and our Delft VRET system is presented.

New poster about our VRET project

May 9, 2008

A new poster of our project and system is designed by Willem-Paul Brinkman. Our new focus on social phobia is presented. You can download it here. (pdf)

Junior TU Delft on VRET [continued]

April 28, 2008

The highschool students finished the course on VRET succesfully. Four worlds were developed for treating social phobia. They are evaluated with scenarios designed by the highschool students themselves! The worlds are: Platform on a train station, Bus stop, Clothing shop and Reception desk of a restaurant. Made with Maya and run in UnReal. With talking avatars. Here are impressions of the worlds. The implementation is done by Daniel de Vliegher.

Junior TU Delft on VRET

March 10, 2008

Delft University of Technology presents during March and April 2008 a course on VRET for high school students in Randstad. In 5 days the students (5-6 VWO) design a virtual world for treating fear for public speaking. The real implementation is done by our master students.

Lecture on the Delft VRET system

March 10, 2008

For the course Highly Interactive Systems of the master programme Media and Knowledge Enineering at Delft Charles van der Mast gave a lecture about the architecture and the development of the Delft VRET system. The lecture takes 45 minutes. The recording of voice and slides is here.

Master thesis by Siemen Roorda

February 14, 2008

Our master student Siemen Roorda finished his Thesis for the programme Media and Knowledge Engineering The title is: Develop[ing a general framework for the Delft VRET application. He re-implemented our system based on Vizard and the programming language Python. Look under Publications/Reports at this site.

Research Assignment by Ervin Sabadi

November 7, 2007

Our master student Ervin Sabadi finished his Research Assignment on VRET for agoraphobia from a home ententainment perspective. Look under Publications/Reports at this site.

Delft VRET system in use at University of Amsterdam

October 12, 2007

Paul Emmelkamp and his group is using the Delft VRET system now for new controlled experiments. Katharina Meyerbröker started her PhD project in September 2007. Recently a new HMD was delivered by Cybermind. Here you see one of the worlds for acrophobia.

The Delft VRET system for research at University of Amsterdam in the group of Prof. Paul Emmelkamp.

Delft VRET system in use at VALK foundation

October 5, 2007

VALK foundation in Leiden is using the Delft VRET system now on a large scale with several therapists. An internal workshop is given this month. Here is how the system looks while being tested in a new room. All cables are invisible now!

The Delft VRET system for treating fear of flying at VALK in Leiden (left) and at Delft University of Technology (right).

Xbox live and Second life

October 3, 2007

This month we started a project to investigate the possibilities of Xbox Live and Second Life (and others) to function as a technical platform for phobia treatment.

New world for fear of flying

August 17, 2007

Burak Aslan finished his bachelor project to build a new VR-world for treating fear of flying. He developed a complete new cabin of a KLM Boeing 737-800 with high quality graphics. This virtual environment is far more realistic than the previous one we have. Also Schiphol airport is completely redesigned by Kenan Saracevic. Google Earth is used to show the view through the window during the flight. This is still a prototype we have to improve. Modelled with Maya and run with Quest-3D. You can find his report under Publications-section Reports. More information from Charles van der Mast, see Team.

AWARE Psychology

June 1, 2007

Our system is described in the new Dutch science magazine Aware Psychology. The title is Virtuele wereld IN/UIT. Look at (in Dutch):

Bacinol Expo

June 1, 2007

From June 6 - July 8 our VRET system will be present on an exhibition Virtual Realism. Several research projects are presented for a general public. Look at (in Dutch):

VRET for hiking

May 31, 2007

On March 15 two journalists of the popular Dutch Journal Op Pad (for adventures and hiking) visited our project. They are very interested in VRET for hikers suffering acrophobia in the mountains. The article is published in May 2007, Op Pad, Vol 4, pp. 70-73.[In Dutch: Een lichte trilling gaat door je lijf, je handen worden klam, je hartslag loopt op, je ademhaling versnelt, je pupillen worden groter, de haren in je nek staan overeind... HELP, see:]. Our system is used by PsyQ for treating acrophobia (hoogtevrees, zeer effectief! You may contact PsyQ).

Thesis on Augmented Reality

Mar 16, 2007

Marlon Richert finished his Thesis, too. Look under Publications, categrory Reports.

Survey on treating Hemiplegia

Jan 16, 2007

Marlon Richert finished his Research Assignment on treating hemiplegia. Look under Publications, categrory Reports.

Workshop for GGZ Nederland

Oct 6, 2006

On Wednesday October 4, 2006 we gave two workshops for the visitors of a GGZ Nederland conference in MediaPlaza/Utrecht. Charles van der Mast, Paul Emmelkamp and Martijn Schuemie gave a presentation for very interested therapists. Martijn discussed the demands from the clinics (therapists and managers) for applying VRET. To implement VRET in clinics a commercial version of the system is needed. Martijn will start to develop this in close collaboration with the research project. The fundamental research will be continued of course. Some pictures of the workshop are here.

DVRET at Parnassia / PsyQ

Sep 14, 2006

At Parnassia / PsyQ about 60 patients have been treated for acrophobia. In four sessions of 90 minutes each the treatment could be finished successfully. Drop-out rate was low. See here.