Designing a Multiple patient VRET system

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Christian Paping

Human-Computer Interaction


Project: Designing a Multiple patient VRET system


My research explores the possibility of one therapist treating two or more patients simultaneously with the VRET.

There are numerous reasons why exploring a multiple patient setup could be useful. First of all therapies are expensive and it could be possible that one therapist treating multiple patients in parallel could be a way to reduce the cost of the treatments. It could also be possible that fewer therapists can assist more patients, thus increasing the efficiency and accessibility of the treatments.

There are many different elements that are involved with the design of a multiple patient setup. Questions range from very practical, like where the patients will be located, does the patient need help putting the HMD on, to theoretical and psychological problems. For example, what are good ways for the therapist to cope with multiple patients at the same time and what factors influence the quality of this type of therapy.

Working with multiple patients simultaneously can eventually mean that the therapists might need assistance focusing their attention between patients. This could be done by implementing a computer system, between the patient and therapist, that continuously monitors the patients and warns the therapist if a patient needs attention. There is even the option of extending this system with modules that can take over specific tasks from the therapist if necessary.


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- Literature survey

Image:A_literature_survey_to_a_multiple_patient_VRET_system.pdf ...

- Creating user senario's


- User testing


- Building A Test system



Promo video
