ALSentinel (ex-ALWatchDog) is a module that implements vital services for Nao:
- Check Vitality of naoqi.
- Check Battery.
- Check press on chest Button (soft power off).
- Warn about motor heating.
void setPowerLimit (const float& powerLimit)
Change the power threshold; below it, Nao will sit down and remove power from his motors.
power limit in percent, default: 0.07; 0.00 to disable this feature.
void enablePowerMonitoring (const bool& enable)
Enable or Disable power monitoring.
true to enable, false to disable, default: true
void enableHeatMonitoring (const bool& enable)
Enable or Disable heat monitoring.
true to enable, false to disable, default: true
void powerButtonOnPress (const string& dataName, const AL::ALValue& data, const string& message)
callback when the power button is pressed. (internal use).
Name of the modified data
value of the data
associate message.
void enableDefaultActionSimpleClick (const bool& enable)
enable or disable the "hello, i'm nao..." after one short push of the Power button. In both cases the ALMemory ALSentinel/SimpleClickOccured key will be set to true, so users can read/registerOnChange it, then reset to false after handling the event.
true of false to respectively enable or disable
void enableDefaultActionDoubleClick (const bool& enable)
enable or disable the "ouch" action after two pushes.
true of false to respectively enable or disable
void enableDefaultActionTripleClick (const bool& enable)
enable or disable the "restart naoqi" action after three pushes.
true of false to respectively enable or disable
void onTemperatureMeasure (const string& dataName, const AL::ALValue& data, const string& message)
callback for change in battery power level. (internal use).
Name of the modified data
value of the data
associate message.
void onMotorError (const string& dataName, const AL::ALValue& data, const string& message)
callback for change in battery power level. (internal use).
Name of the modified data
value of the data
associate message.
void onAccX (const string& dataName, const AL::ALValue& data, const string& message)
callback for internal use.
Name of the modified data
value of the data
associate message.
void onAccY (const string& dataName, const AL::ALValue& data, const string& message)
callback for internal use.
Name of the modified data
value of the data
associate message.
void onAccZ (const string& dataName, const AL::ALValue& data, const string& message)
callback for internal use.
Name of the modified data
value of the data
associate message.
void enableBatteryMeasure (const bool& enable)
check the battery information, voltage and alarm flag
true of false to respectively enable or disable (default: true)
void onBatteryMeasure (const string& dataName, const AL::ALValue& data, const string& message)
callback for internal use.
Name of the modified data
value of the data
associate message.
void BatteryChargeStatusChanged (const string& dataName, const AL::ALValue& data, const string& message)
callback for internal use.
Name of the modified data
value of the data
associate message.
void BatteryChargeCellVoltageMinChanged (const string& dataName, const AL::ALValue& data, const string& message)
callback for internal use.
Name of the modified data
value of the data
associate message.
int getBatteryLevel ()
Get the battery level (0..5) 5: full 0: totally empty (never reached).
the battery level (0..5): 5: full 0: totally empty (never reached)
string getBatteryLevelDesc ()
Get a text presentation of the battery level ('My battery is...').
the sentence describing the battery level
void enableCheckRemainingRam (const bool& enable)
check the remaining physical memory
true of false to respectively enable or disable (default: true)
void presentation (const bool& enableFastCheckJoints)
Launch a small presentation of Nao: name, ip, battery. It's the default behavior launched when user press on the chest
if true, Nao will quickly check that his joints are moving properly.
int getRemainingRam ()
get the remaining physical memory value (one shot)
the remaining RAM in kb
string version ()
Returns the version of the module.
A string containing the version of the module.
AL::ALValue getMethodHelp (const string& methodName)
Retrieves a method's description.
The name of the method.
A structure containing the method's description.
AL::ALValue getModuleHelp ()
Retrieves the module's description.
A structure describing the module.
string getUsage (const string& name)
Gets the method usage string. This summarise how to use the method.
The name of the method.
A string that summarises the usage of the method.