This module is dedicated to Track a Face expressed in NAO_SPACE.
This module need ALFaceDetection module to run.
Use StartTracker() API to launch the tracking.
void startTracker ()
Start the tracker by Subscribing to Event FaceDetected from ALFaceDetection module.
Then Wait Event FaceDetected from ALFaceDetection module.
And finally send information to motion for head tracking.
NOTE : Stiffness of Head must be set to 1.0 to move!
void stopTracker ()
Start the tracker by Unsubscribing to Event FaceDetected from ALFaceDetection module.
vector<float> getPosition ()
Return the position of the face in NAO_SPACE.
An Array containing the face position [x, y, z].
bool isNewData ()
Return true if a new face was detected since the last getPosition().
true if a new face was detected since the last getPosition().
bool isActive ()
Return true if the face Tracker is running.
true if the face Tracker is running.
void setWholeBodyOn (const bool& pWholeBodyOn)
if true, the tracking will be through a Whole Body Process.
The whole Body state
string version ()
Returns the version of the module.
A string containing the version of the module.
AL::ALValue getMethodHelp (const string& methodName)
Retrieves a method's description.
The name of the method.
A structure containing the method's description.
AL::ALValue getModuleHelp ()
Retrieves the module's description.
A structure describing the module.
string getUsage (const string& name)
Gets the method usage string. This summarise how to use the method.
The name of the method.
A string that summarises the usage of the method.