This module handle one or several Aldebaran's bluetooth boards.
AL::ALValue scan ()
Scan for bluetooth devices, this may take up to 10 seconds
a list of bluetooth devices <name, address>
void connect (const string& devicename)
Connect to a specific device.
the device name, this will be used to refer to the device later
bool isConnected (const string& devicename)
Is a device connected?
the device name
return true is the device is connected
void disconnect (const string& devicename)
Disconnect a bluetooth device
the device name to disconnect
void send (const string& devicename, const AL::ALValue& PWMs, const AL::ALValue& servos, const AL::ALValue& GPIOs)
Send data to a bluetooth device, each value should be provided.
the device name
array of 4 signed short, should be between -32768 and 32768 (duty cycle ranging from -100% to 100%)
array of 2 unsigned short, should be between 500 and 2500 (pulse width in microsecond)
array of 4 bool
vector<string> getConnectedDeviceList ()
list all connected bluetooth devices
a list of connected bluetooth device <name>
AL::ALValue getDeviceList ()
list all available bluetooth devices (need a scan before)
a list of bluetooth device <name, address>
AL::ALValue getAssociatedDeviceList ()
list all bluetooth devices that are associated with nao.
a list of bluetooth device <name, address>
void setAssociatedDeviceList (const AL::ALValue& deviceList)
set the device list that nao should handle. Association will be persistent after reboot.
list of bluetooth device <name, address>
string version ()
Returns the version of the module.
A string containing the version of the module.
AL::ALValue getMethodHelp (const string& methodName)
Retrieves a method's description.
The name of the method.
A structure containing the method's description.
AL::ALValue getModuleHelp ()
Retrieves the module's description.
A structure describing the module.
string getUsage (const string& name)
Gets the method usage string. This summarise how to use the method.
The name of the method.
A string that summarises the usage of the method.