Speaker: Bert Bredeweg (UvA) Title: “Developing Conceptual Understanding of Dynamic Systems” Date: Tuesday February 09, 2016, 15:30h Place: Colloquiumzaal (HB 17.150) Abstract: Articulating thought in computer-based media is a powerful means for humans to develop their understanding of phenomena. We have created intelligent workbenches that allow users to acquire conceptual knowledge by constructing and simulating conceptual models of how systems behave. This talk will review key ideas and results from this work. First, a note on the characteristics of conceptual models. What kind of representation and reasoning is required, and why? Second, users and creators of such knowledge. For instance, domain experts who are developing new ideas and insights. How can we help them to concretise and organise their knowledge? Next, human learners, e.g. in secondary education, who have to construct their own understanding of systems and how they behave. What instruments can we develop to support their learning. And finally, if time permits, a few words on challenges. Short CV: Bert Bredeweg is an associate professor at the Informatics Institute (IvI) within the Faculty of Science (FNWI) at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) (https://staff.science.uva.nl/b.bredeweg/). His research focus is the development of tools and expertise that supports the acquisition of conceptual understanding of dynamic systems through modelling and simulation. Topics of interest include: knowledge capture, qualitative reasoning, learning by modelling, artificial intelligence in education, and human-computer interaction. Bredeweg has published over 139 international refereed academic publications. These publications have found their way into leading journals, and competitive conferences (he also produced over 137 other academic publications). Bredeweg has supervised over 70 MSc and PhD students. Bredeweg is an active member of the Ecological informatics, Qualitative reasoning, and Educational technology communities. He is a regular senior reviewer and board member for the associated conferences and journals. Bredeweg was part of the CCC/NSF (USA) roadmap development (B. Woolf (Ed.), 2010), and consultant for SRI International (HALO project, 2010/2011), both USA, and acted 4 times as invited special issue editor for leading journals (most recently, guest editor for IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies (special issue: 6(3), 2013, pp. 194-257), together with dr. B.M. McLaren and prof. dr. G. Biswas). Bredeweg acquired and coordinated the DynaLearn project (EU FP7). The DynaLearn environment supports learners in developing their conceptual understanding of how systems behave.