The EurAI Fellows program recognizes individuals who have made significant, sustained contributions to the field of artificial intelligence (AI) in Europe. Each year, BNVKI can suggest a maximum of three candidates to EurAI.
The BNVKI community can propose candidates to the BNVKI board, provided the candidate is supported by:
- 2 or more senior members (at least 15 years after PhD),
- Active in the academic Benelux AI ecosystem,
- From different universities (not companies).
- Preferably from at least two of the member countries
- Regular members of the BNVKI
DEADLINE: For 2024, proposals should be sent to board AT bnvki DOT org before March 8th 2024 April 5th 2024
The board still decides based on the contributions to the field and BNVKI.
EurAI also anually presents a distinguished service award to two individuals who have made exceptional contributions to the European AI community.
Again, the BNVKI community can propose candidates (emeriti or +30 years career) to the BNVKI board, provided the candidate is supported by:
- 2 or more senior members (full professors in AI or seniority 25 years after PhD),
- Active in the academic Benelux AI ecosystem,
- From different universities (not companies).
- Preferably from at least two of the member countries
- Regular members of the BNVKI
The board still decides based on the contributions to the field and BNVKI.
DEADLINE: For 2024, proposals should be sent to board AT bnvki DOT org before March 8th 2024 April 5th 2024. Proposals need to include a motivation letter, the CV of the candidate, and a biography and contact information of the proposers themselves.
Current EurAI fellows
- Hendrik Blockeel, Belgium – KU Leuven
- Maurice Bruynooghe, Belgium – KU Leuven
- Walter Daelemans, Belgium – University of Antwerp
- Luc De Raedt, Belgium – KU Leuven
- Marco Dorigo, Belgium – Université Libre de Bruxelles
- Ulle Endriss, The Netherlands – University of Amsterdam
- Holger Hoos, The Netherlands – Leiden University
- Catholijn Jonker, The Netherlands – Delft University of Technology
- Nicolaas J. I. Mars, The Netherlands – Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
- John-Jules Meyer, The Netherlands – University of Utrecht
- Ann Nowé, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
- Antal van den Bosch, The Netherlands – Radboud University
- Jaap van den Herik, The Netherlands – Universiteit Leiden
- Linda van der Gaag, The Netherlands – Universiteit Utrecht
- Leon van der Torre, Luxemburg – University of Luxembourg
- Frank van Harmelen, The Netherlands – Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam